Page 70 of Alex

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“Tell me you love me, cowboy.”

“Nope. I won’t tell you until we’re out of here, safe and sound. I will not lose you, Dylan. Do you hear me?”

When she didn’t answer, he checked her pulse and sighed with relief when he felt it still beating. He removed his phone from his pocket and called Beau. He needed help, and he needed it now.

After placing the call to Beau, he put the phone back into his pocket and held Dylan while waiting for help. He knew they were sitting ducks, though. A bullet hit the tree beside him as the thought entered his head.

“Son of a bitch,” he swore and ducked. “Come on, guys.”

Alex moved them around the tree and out of sight. He hoped so, anyway. He stilled when he heard a twig snap and gently laid Dylan down as he took his weapon from the holster again. He leaned against the tree and pushed himself up. He held his gun at the ready. He wasn’t going down without a fight.

When he heard them getting closer, he took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the tree. He couldn’t let them see his fear, though.

“Livestock agent, drop your weapons, and put your hands on your heads.”

One man laughed.

“I think you’re outnumbered here, Agent.”

“Maybe, but I can get one of you before you get me. Which one will it be?”

“Go around the back of the tree,” the man told someone.

Damn it. If they got behind him, he and Dylan were both dead. He sighed when he heard sirens.

“Do you hear that? That’s my backup. You’re all going to prison.”

“Let’s get out of here.” The men ran through the woods.

“Stop!” Alex yelled, but they ran deeper into the forest. He glanced at Dylan and knew he couldn’t leave her.

“Alex,” someone shouted. It was Beau.

“Over here, Beau. Hurry. We need an ambulance.”

“Are you hit?” Beau asked him when he reached him but kneeled when he saw him sitting on the ground, holding Dylan on his lap. “Is she breathing?”


“I need an ambulance now,” Beau shouted into the radio as he got to his feet. “They’re on the way. Alex, are you hit?”

“No. She shouldn’t have been out here, Beau.” He shook his head. “She wouldn’t listen. Damn hardhead.”

“She’s a woman. What did you expect?”

“She can’t die. She can’t.”

“Is it through and through?”

“No. She’s lost a lot of blood.” Alex sighed when he heard more sirens. “Get those sons of bitches, Beau.”

“We’re on it. Any idea how many there are?”

“No. I heard two voices, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

“Beau? The ambulance is here,” another agent said.

Alex stood, picked up Dylan, and carried her to the stretcher the EMTs were rolling toward them. He placed her on it and brushed her hair back from her face. He watched the men check her over, putting an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. His heart ached, knowing the pain she was in. He’d do anything to stop it if he had the power. He swallowed hard as he watched them wheel her to the ambulance.
