Page 109 of Royally Cursed

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I thought perhaps she was going to argue further, but the conversation fizzled, as if she were too tired. I certainly wouldn’t blame her. She’d held her own on the battlefield out there, thenhad immediately gone into healing mode, because of course she had.

Despite my worries, my chest did glow with pride at how caring and selfless my mate was. She would make an incredible partner and mother to our pups. Although I could see it spreading out before me in my mind, I kept that thought to myself, though. I was well aware that Ayla and I were at different points of accepting our fate, so it wasn’t quite time to talk about things like that yet.


Someday wasn’t today, however, so instead of letting my mind dwell on pups that didn’t exist yet, I focused on my beautiful, wonderful mate.

“Let me take care of you,” I murmured as I pulled her into my quarters and then my private bathroom. There she saw the one thing I’d taken advantage of with my captaincy, the full tub and standing shower that stood across from each other in the tiled space.

“You have an actual bath?” she murmured, her eyebrows practically lifting off her face. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was the one luxury I just couldn’t bring myself to give up, a childhood creature comfort that'd stuck with me.

“I do,” I said. “After we get rinsed off, you’re welcome to soak in it for as long as you want.”

It was absolutely beguiling how her eyes widened with excitement, that flush that I loved beginning to spill into her features. “Okay,” she said simply, tongue coming out to lick at her lips. Perhaps in another situation, I'd have been offended if it took the bribe of a bath for my mate to let me take care of her, but I was a soldier, too. I knew how few and far between full baths were, especially ones that were big enough to actually soak in.

So, I reached for her uniform, pulling the top over her head, then gently coaxing the bottom half down her legs to the floor. Holding her hands, I helped her step out of it, making sure we were always in contact.

The heat of her body called to me, soothing and full of honey. I hoped my own presence brought her as much comfort because she deserved it. She deserved all of the kindness, luxury, and niceties that I could muster.

It was so easy to imagine taking her to my real life, to the one that I’d hidden so thoroughly from everyone, and lavishing her in all the luxuries at my disposal.


Ayla’s voice was small, but it still yanked me right out of my thoughts as I’d knelt to untie her shoes, chagrined that once more I’d forgotten about them entirely.

“Yes?” I said, standing up to check in on her. If she needed me to stop, I would, but I also desperately didn’t want her to ask.

But she didn’t answer with words. Instead, her arms wrapped around my shoulders, and she kissed me.


I hadn’t realized how much I needed the outward affection. After two days apart, and the battle, it was like my body was in withdrawal, craving her more than any illicit substance. So, I returned her kiss, opening my side of the bond between us as wide as I could. I wanted her to feel everything I did. I wanted her to know how deeply I felt for her, how much I cared, and how much joy she brought me.

I wished she could do the same for me, but I also understood why she couldn’t. However, I felt soothed when I felt the bond on her side open wider than usual. She was trying, and that was all I could ask for.

Our lips remained locked as we held each other, hands roving, hearts thundering, blood rushing. We were a wash ofarousal that rapidly built within us, echoing off each other into the sweetest cacophony.

The world became a vague blend of colors and sensations as we stripped each other of the rest of our clothing, then began walking backward into my shower.

I stopped us short, however, drawing an adorable whine from Ayla as I pulled away from her just enough to lean in and reach the faucets.

“Sorry,” I said, giving her a wink. “This water starts super cold for us shifters. Let me just get it to warm up a little, okay?”

Another whine, but at least this one was more agreeable. After a couple more turns of the faucet, I got it on my preferred setting, then gave it another moment. Not that I minded the pause, as it allowed me to kiss her yet again.

I still hadn’t tired of locking lips with my lady, and I didn’t think that would ever happen. There was always something new and wonderful to experience, to sense. I was blessed through and through, I knew that much.

But soon, the bathroom began to fill with steam, so it was time. Still embracing, we somewhat clumsily backed into the shower, water washing over us in a pleasant wave.

“Ahh,” Ayla said, tilting her head back and letting out the most perfect sigh. For a moment, I was stunned, locked in place by her sheer beauty as water poured down her hair and trickled over her fine features, leaving rosy streaks across her pale skin in their wake. It was like watching a coloring book being filled in real time, and I could just stand there watching her forever.

But the urge to appreciate the sheer art of my mate couldn’t compete long term against my urge tofeelher, so one of my hands slid up her throat and then her chin, my thumb coaxing over her lips.

At that, she groaned, tipping her head farther back so the water trickled over the lower part of her face and my hand. I wasenraptured by her, mind, body, and soul, as the shower spilled over those full lips of her, over my thumb, down my wrist. It was a crescendo of building temperature, friction, and competing lubrication that could drive a man mad.

“Kai,” she breathed, her voice a siren call to me. I wanted to hear more, so much more, so my other hand began to stroke between her legs.

I went gently at first, having learned my mate was sensitive enough that she needed time to be worked up. But gods, even with the water flowing down our bodies, I could feel how incredibly wet she was, my fingers dipping into the slightly sticky, slightly slick liquid her body had built up for me.
