Page 203 of Royally Cursed

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“You’re the princess. What introduction could you need?”

“Uh, an official one.”

“Fine, I’ll introduce you.” There she was, turning red again. How adorable. Gently teasing her made me feel like an older sister, a sensation I wasn’t really used to, so I took mercy on her and patted her knee. “Another time, though. You’ve probably had enough interaction for today.”

She heaved a sigh of relief and nodded. “Yes, thank you. Oh, but while I have you here, I realized there was something I needed to tell you.”

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what news she could possibly have Darla wouldn’t figure out herself.

“I don’t want you to freak out, but my uncle let slip Felicity Rathson will be arriving here in a couple of days. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to it, but I’m sure you’re even worse.”

Felicity? Why did the name sound familiar? I felt like I’d heard it an age ago, but it was important. When—

Wait a gods’ damned minute.

My mind replayed the moment in my head, back when I’d learned of Kai’s true identity and his uncle screamed about going back home.

Right, Felicity Rathson was the woman his uncle wanted him to marry. I was outright surprised at the jealousy burning its way through me at the revelation, scouring my veins like magma.

But this begged the question: why was Seraphina telling me with a gaze full of pity?

“Why would you think that matters to me?”

“We don’t need to play coy, not when Halle had to save your hide after you snuck out of his room and got caught by a cleaner.”

Shit. I’d been worried this would come back to haunt me, and it seemed the moment finally came. I opened my mouthto protest, but the princess patted my knee, similar to what I’d done for her. I didn’t like it nearly as much whenshedid it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I’m so happy my brother has someone like you at his side. He puts on a good face, but he’s not really meant for the court. I can tell it pains him. You’re real in a way he needs.”

I flushed. Apparently both of us were going to sit there with pink faces.

“Thank you. This means a lot coming from his favorite sister.”

“Just don’t forget about me when you run off and have your whirlwind, military romance,” she said, the slight tinge of melancholy in her tone again.

I did what my heart told me and pulled her into a soft side hug. “Don’t worry. I promise we won’t.”

Chapter 17


I felt truly burnt out on court politics when all I wanted was to talk to my mate. Was that so wrong? The desire to get her alone, to ignore everyone else, ran deep in my veins.

I wanted to kiss her, to hug her, to ravish her, but I could also tell she was upset, and I genuinely wanted to comfort her. No mate of mine should have to fight all of their battles alone, and at the moment, it felt like I was forcing her to do just that.

Well, maybe she wasn’tcompletelyalone. I could tell Seraphina had taken a strong liking to my mate, which I was certainly happy about. But she didn’t know her like I did, it was impossible to, so she was oblivious to whatever was bothering the half-shifter.

But I was stuck in multiple conversations with the cloud of harpies around me. Not literal ones, mind you. I’d nothing against the winged cryptids, only the sycophantic yes men who always seemed to surround me at every social interaction. I hated that I had to pretend I enjoyed it, and I hated pretending I wasn’t staring at Ayla.

There was only so much one could ask from a man, and after a solid hour of schmoozing, I was done. I excused myself and returned to Ayla, who was still sitting on the same bench. Mysister was gone, and I had no idea where Darla and Oren were, but that was all right.

“Healer Everton,” I said neutrally, or at least tried to, but I couldn’t quite help the corner of my lip turning, and a bit of a rumble made its way through my chest. I wasn’t going to lie; it was quite satisfying to see Ayla’s pupils dilate slightly.

“Your Highness,” she said, standing and giving me a choppy bow. I didn’t like her addressing me as one would royalty. I was her mate, her captain, and her friend, and it was more than enough.

“I have some reports I’d like to update you on. Would you go with me on a walk around the wolf-run?” I said, referring to the thick perimeter of trees just inside the walls so shifters had a place to slip into their animal forms and sprint around like we were meant to.

“Of course, Your Highness.”
