Page 46 of Royally Cursed

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I could see myself definitely getting to know each of them. None of us were going to be ride or die for life, but we didn’t need to be—not with my curse in the background.

That camaraderie only increased once we ditched our horses and switched to our feet. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to walking for miles when I'd prefer to run wild and free as a wolf, but that wasn’t exactly an option, so walking it was.

Not for the first time, I was beginning to wonder if keeping my shifter identity a secret was stupid. I was too deep into it now, though, so it was what it was.

The same applied to when my feet were screaming and my thighs were still aching, when Darla suddenly grabbed my shoulder, yanking me back to her. Before I could object, words that I very much didn’t want to hear exited her mouth.

“We need to take cover,” she whispered, her voice so low I probably wouldn’t have been able to hear if I weren’t a shifter. “Multiple enemies are approaching.”

We all tensed up at that, but before any of us could do anything remotely close to taking cover, we heard a chorus of breaking branches, as what was clearly a dozen or so different people converged on us.

“Run, protective formation,” Kai ordered, his teeth elongating and his claws coming out.

I knew there was always a risk of getting caught with me being stuck on foot, but I wasn'thappy about being proven right.

We raced through the forest we were in as fast as we could. Mad Dog and Irina were in the front, and Darla and I were in the middle, with Tristan and Kai bringing up the rear, the area where we were most likely to be attacked.

My blood was similarly moving through my veins at top speed, and my inner wolf was begging to be let out. Running was herthing,after all, and my wolf form was so much stronger, sturdier, and faster than my human one. I simply couldn’t set her free,.

Yet, I wasn’t so wrapped up in my lupine nature that I forgot my witch half. Although we were running at a full sprint, I sensed danger ahead.

Sharpening my focus, the feeling solidified until I was able to notice several extremely powerful magical hexes. They weren’t lethal ones, but I was certain they were set there to ensnare us and end the chase early.

“Wait!” I cried, diving to the side. “Trap ahead!”

I had to hand it to my escorts, they adjusted way faster than I expected, sinking back into formation within just a few steps. It seemed Irina had most definitely learned from the last time I slipped away from her and was more than ready for my sudden change in direction.

“They’ve got a magic user with them,” I hissed, just as several figures, bipedal and animalistic alike, burst out of the tree line up ahead.


Suddenly, we were embroiled in a battle, with more people leaping out from all directions. I tried to stick close to Darla’s side, even holding her hand, but then we were separated when someone shot a crossbow bolt at us, sending us diving in opposite directions.

I was most definitely screwed.

As if to echo that sentiment, I sensed something slamming down toward me too fast and far too hard. I rolled to the side without looking, ending up on my back just as a giant war hammer slammed into the ground where I'd just been.


Looking up at the wielder of said hammer, I saw none other than an ogre standing above me, all lumpy skin, jagged teeth, and a myriad of scars in his thick hide.

“Double fuck,” I whispered.

He moved to lift his hammer, and I flew into action. Grabbing a handful of dirt, I threw it in his face, then kicked my foot up as hard as I could right into his crotch. Was it a low blow? Yes. But survival was the name of the game, and I'd kick as many dicks as I needed to ensure my own safety.

Naturally, the large creature let out a howl, cupping himself as he swayed. Pulling my magic up from within myself, I pushed it forward into him.

It wasn’t anything lethal, just an invigoration spell. Usually I cast it on a frostbite victim to improve circulation or help someone with low blood sugar recover after a sudden drop. But to someone who was healthy? Well, it felt like a bunch of biting, tingling ants crawling across the skin.

I aimed that at his dick, too.

He dropped to his knees, and I countered that by getting to my feet and hauling ass. I still had a weapon, including two knives tucked into my belt. I was competent enough with them, but I still wasn’t really skilled enough to be taking multiple enemies on in hand-to-hand combat.

But as I ran, dodging this way and that, I could tell I was being pushed farther and farther out from my allies when that was just about the last place I wanted to be. The battle was closer to them, yet they were still my protection. They were supposed to make sure I remained safe enough to get the relic and save thousands from being slaughtered. It was a chain of events that was supposed to subvert a complete and total massacre.

Then I sensed another snare ahead—one that made a chill go down my spine and my stomach threatened a full-on revolt. I skidded to a stop and just stared forward.

I recognized that magic.
