Page 56 of Royally Cursed

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I saw an animalistic darkness cross over his features and then he was kissing me and kissing mehard.

I groaned into it, the noise I made surprising even myself. But that just seemed to encourage Kai further as he began to slide his hands down my body. It was like he was leaving little trails of fire down my skin, and I craved the burn.

I knew I was shivering, but I couldn’t stop myself. I was such a complex bundle of arousal, guilt, nerves, and sensations. That strange, drunken feeling was only increasing as his fingers walked down my spine, then slid up my arm, before gently sliding down again to do a quick sweep across my backside and down into my thigh.

It was a simple but all-encompassing symphony of ecstasy, building an inferno in me that warmed my entire body. My entire soul.

Yeah, I was never giving him up.

Because,wow,was kissing Kai something else. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, filling me with a heat and desire that I never thought was possible from just locking lips. Really, that’s all we were doing, kissing as his hands moved over my clothes. He wasn’t even trying to get underneath them.

As much as the building, consuming heat within wanted to distract me from how giving into temptation was going to put Kai in danger, though, that guilt still came back in flashes, only for Kai to chase them away with his lips.

If I was honest with myself, I knew I was being incredibly selfish, but how could I resist him when he held me in those strong arms of his, looking at me like he really, truly saw me? After living so much of my life in isolation, was it so wrong to want to be perceived by someone who'd been destined by the universe to be my mate?

If it was a test of my character, I was failing, but I'd argue that it wasn’t a fair one. How could I ever hope to resist when my entiresoulseemed to cry out for him, full of ardent longing?

Kai broke away from the kiss, and the whine my mouth released was downright embarrassing.

“Just want to reiterate, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Kai reminded me before pulling me into yet another sweet, soft kiss. Just like his words, it wasn’t demanding, it didn’ttakeor ravish. Not that I'd have minded those things. Part of me wanted Kai to completely dominate me, to show my inner wolf exactly the alpha he was. In fact, she was practically begging for it, thrilled to challenge him and have him rise to the occasion.

Though, another part of me was a scared virgin who'd been chastising myself for over a decade whenever I allowed myself to get close to someone and they ended up getting hurt. That part wassovery grateful for Kai’s tenderness.

“I know,” I said simply, deciding to quiet my mind and just let myselffeel.Easier said than done, but it certainly helped when Kai slid his warm hand down my back yet again, tracing the column of my spine, spreading more warmth through me.

It seemed impossible to be as physically drawn to someone as I was to Kai. I didn’t know if I wanted to draw my tongue over his body, tracing each and every muscle, or somehow live inside his own skin as one being.

But then his kisses trailed down the side of my cheek to my neck, and I realized the first idea was definitely more appealing.

“Kai,” I gasped as his teeth barely grazed my neck, his tongue sliding past my mating gland. I’d never thought much about that sensitive bundle of nerves where my shoulder met my neck, a vital part of my endocrine system as a shifter. We emitted pheromones from several areas in our body. Yet the mating gland was by far the most potent and also released all those wonderful, intoxicating bonding chemicals when pierced by a mate with compatible saliva.

“Yes, my mate?” he murmured.

His voice was oh so appealing, but it was still far too composed to me. I wanted to hear what he sounded like when that control finally cracked. What he was like unhinged, without all the trappings of society or the military.

The thought made my mouth water, which worked out well considering how hard I was breathing, and he hadn’t even applied any pressure to the sensitive skin on my neck.

Oh, but then his tongue laved against my mating gland, broad, warm, and slick. I gasped audibly, pressing myself further into his body.

“You like that?” he murmured against the side of my neck, and although I couldn’t really speak, yes, I mostdefinitelyliked that. “I can feel your response through our bond.”

“Can you?” I breathed, somehow finding the words within myself. Honestly, I was surprised I was even capable of knowing where I was.

“Yeah. It’s the ultimate feedback loop in a way.” He paused to nibble slightly at my neck, and oh, oh,oh!I didn’t know if I’d ever been so turned on in my life. I wanted to scream out my pleasure. I wanted to bottle it all up, so I'd never run out of it. Mostly, I just wanted to experience this forever.

If this was what being a fated mate felt like, how did anyone get anything done? I was a virgin, but now I wanted to go at it like a bunny shifter.

“I want to taste you,” Kai whispered to me, his voice so low it was barely a rumble. “Would you let me?”

I nodded, more than happy to have him kiss me again. But instead of locking lips with me, he rolled me onto my back, kneeling just beneath my legs.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, and I could feel myself flushing all the way up my neck. I’d never really thought of myself as ugly, but I certainly didn’t think I wasbeautiful.Especially not compared to him. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he continued as his hands slid down my sides, then gripped the waistband of my pants.


Why was he doing that?

What did that have to do with being kissed?
