Page 60 of Royally Cursed

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“So, do you ever go running as a wolf, or do you only shift in your room?”

I froze. NowthatI hadn’t expected. I’d never let on to anyone that I was half-shifter, and since I wasn’t a full-blood, it was much easier to hide the signs.

“How did you know?”

“Well, one, you’re my mate. Never heard about that happening outside of shifter kind. Secondly,” he said, tapping his nose. “Once I could actually pick up your scent without any distractions while you slept, I just knew.”

“Well, to answer your question, occasionally. Just about as far away from Canid as I can manage.”

He nodded, and I could tell that he was digesting my words. “Why did you feel you needed to keep that a secret from us? We’re a shifter-dominated base.” I ignored the little flip my stomach made at the word “dominated” and instead swallowed to cover a tiny hiccup. That was a much more complicated answer.

“It’s something my coven raised me to do.”


“I…I’m not sure. They just said it wasn’t safe for me to shift in front of others. They’d never steered me wrong, so I trusted them. Besides, I didn’t want to risk causing more problems with other shifters by making friends and pulling me into a pack. I’m also a lot more comfortable with my witch side than my wolf side.”

More nods. I appreciated that he wasn’t arguing with me or telling me I was stupid. He didn’t even seem mad that I’d lied to so many people. Kai really was a patient soul.

Or maybe that was just our mating bond talking. Either way, I wasn’t complaining about his understanding.

“Well, if you’re ever comfortable, I'd love to shift with you and go running. Just the two of us as wolves. But I will be happy to wait until then.”

Oh goodness. I’d never really thought about what it would be like for the two of us to run wild and free under the full moon, tongues out as our paws dashed across the earth. My inner wolf wentwildabout the idea, though, and I had to push down a giggle born from her own giddiness.

“I’m sure that a gorgeous witch such as yourself will be an equally gorgeous wolf,” Kai continued nonchalantly.

Was it a silly thing to blush at? Maybe. But that didn’t stop me. I felt myself turning bright pink, and not for the first time, Icursed my extremely fair skin. If I was sun kissed and had olive tones like Kai, maybe I wouldn’t shine like a beacon whenever I became flustered.

“Thank you,” I said after a beat. But when the conversation petered out, I regarded him curiously. “Do you have any more questions?”

“I have plenty, but this isn’t the time. Let’s eat our fill, then take another rest. It’s almost time to head out.”

I looked up at the sky. I hadn’t even noticed we were in the pitch black of night, spread over our heads like an onyx cloak.

“They’re not back yet, are they?”

Kai shook his head. “No, but I have faith. Even if none show up, I’ll continue to make symbols in the trees for them.”

My heart sank at that. If I hadn’t said anything, they all would've been safe and sound at Fort Canid. Then again, if I hadn’t, Kai and I would still be separated by my curse, and thousands of innocent people would end up dying.

Because now I knew for certain that the Shrouded Shriek was involved, I also knew that he’d totally revel in wiping out entire towns of civilians. I had to stop him.

I felt like I needed more rest first, though. I had a feeling I’d need it.

Chapter 12


Not to be a stereotypical wolf, but I was over the moon.

After so long feeling half-complete, of living a partially empty life, I'd finally found my fated mate, and she wasincredible.

I didn’t think we’d actually have sex so soon. I hadn’t known her that well, but I got the impression that Ayla was quite reserved, and once I felt her nerves and trepidation through our bond, I was quickly able to put together that she was a virgin.

I didn’t care about that for purity’s sake, but I didn’t want to pressure her or make her do something she wasn’t ready for. Looking back, I’d had sex too early, as I’d hit my teenage growth spurt early. Plenty of people had been willing to hop in my bed after that.

As it turned out, however, being fated mates definitely fast-tracked things, and I wasn't exactlymad about it. Sex with Ayla wasincredible. Far more than it should have been considering the circumstances. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, little bits of sensation and memories popping up in my mind every few minutes. It was like my brain was trying to make up for the three years that my memory had been messed with.
