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"Dinner sounds great," Eva replied. "Did you have anywhere in mind?"

Claire hesitated. This was where her plan needed some help. "Actually, I don't really know the places around here all that well yet. Maybe you know of a place we could go?"

"There is a cute Italian place that Michael and I go to that I've been wanting to take you to. It's casual, good food. I think you'd really like it. We could do tonight at six? I'll pick you up?"

"Tonight at six is perfect. See you then," Claire said, smiling into the phone.

As soon as she hung up, Claire went to get dinner. She only had two hours before her date. When she was ready Claire went over to the mirror to check her appearance. She'd chosen a white sundress and had taken extra care with her makeup.

After a quick glance at her watch, Claire grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

The Italian restaurant was a cozy, welcoming space. Red and white checkered tablecloths and candlelight gave it a romantic vibe, which suited Claire perfectly. Eva smiled across the cozy corner booth at Claire, the candlelight flickering softly over her lovely features.

On top of the table Claire traced small patters over Eva's hand. "I'm so glad we could do this tonight."

"Me too," Eva replied, turning her palm upward so their hands were clasped together.

The front door of the restuarant suddenly banged open loudly, making them both jump. Claire looked over to see Peter barreling in, his face mottled purple with rage. His eyes landed on them and narrowed. With a sinking feeling, Claire quickly pulled her hand back from Eva's just before Peter stomped over to their table. She braced herself, immediately sensing this unexpected confrontation would not be pleasant. Beside her, Eva sat very still, eyes widening.

Peter halted directly in front of them, fists clenched at his sides. "I should have known your type would be lurking around here," he snarled down at the couple. Claire felt herself tense, heart beginning to race. This was about to get ugly fast.

She kept her face neutral, hoping her voice would come out steady. "Peter, we were just having a nice dinner. I think you should go."

But Peter paid her no mind, continuing to seethe at them. Claire's mind raced, wondering if she should call for help or attempt to diffuse the situation. Eva reached over under the table and gave her hand a subtle, bracing squeeze.

Claire squeezed back, drawing strength from Eva's solid presence beside her, though anxious about what Peter might do next.

Eva kept her tone calm and even. "Peter, I don't know what you think you're doing, but we're just trying to enjoy our dinner."

"Don't play dumb with me," Peter spat back. "I know exactly what you two have been trying to pull, filling my wife's head with your twisted ideas."

Claire spoke up defiantly. "If you have issues in your marriage, don't blame us. Abby has a right to feel however she feels."

Peter's face flushed a deeper shade of rage. "How dare you try and turn her against me?" His voice was rising now, attracting attention from nearby tables. "I won't just stand by while you flaunt your sick, unnatural lifestyle!"

"You can insult us all you want," Eva said steadily. "But we're not ashamed of our relationship, Peter. Your bigotry is the only sickness here."

Before he could retort, the cafe owner hurried over. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," he said sternly. "You're harassing my customers."

Peter pointed a threatening finger at Claire and Eva. "This isn't over, believe me." Then he turned on his heel and stormed out, the door slamming behind him.

A tense silence hung over the cafe after Peter's disruptive exit. Claire let out a shaky breath, looking rattled by his vitriolic outburst.

"I'm so sorry you both had to deal with that ugliness," the owner said kindly before leaving them to privacy again.

Eva squeezed Claire's hand reassuringly. "Are you okay?" she asked, gently brushing a lock of hair back from Claire's face.

Claire nodded, though still looking a bit shaken. "I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting him to confront us so publicly like that."

"Me neither," Eva admitted. "Though he's always been a terrible human being. He was absolutely awful when we were in school together too. Abby was a sweetheart, she always has been. I have no idea why she chose to end up with Peter of all people."

After a few minutes, they returned to their meal, and the mood lightened again. Eva's easy, open smile soothed away any remaining unease. By the time they finished their pasta and shared tiramisu for dessert, Claire was feeling back to her normal self. Peter could say anything he wanted to. He couldn't actually hurt her.

She was safe with Eva.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Eva drove them back to her cozy apartment located just a few blocks from the cafe. She suddenly felt a little self-conscious about its size as they walked up to the door.
