Page 7 of Bolivar

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"How've you been?" he asked.

We texted at least a few times a day. He knew how I was. "It's good to be back home. I missed you."

He gave me one of his brightest smiles. "I missed you too."

Being around him felt good. He was familiar and safe.

"I was surprised you wanted to get together," Jack said after a few moments. We hadn't stopped holding hands.

"Of course I did." I was already opening the menu withone hand. He hadn't touched his yet. Maybe he already knew what he wanted.

"Yeah, but…I mean last time, we didn’t exactly end things well. It’s good that you see things my way now though. I think waiting until marriage will be good for both of us. I’m really glad you agree.”

I stared at the menu for a good five minutes as I tried to think of something to say. I didn’t want to get married to him. I didn’t even know if I wanted to get married at all. I was twenty. I wanted to have sex and fall in love and fall out of it and enjoy myself. And he was talking like one date meant we were supposed to go pick out matching rings or something.

I put the menu down and met his gaze. I was going to break his heart for a second time. He looked hopeful and was still smiling while I was sitting there silently contemplating the best way to break up with him. Again. And before we had even started going out again really, too.


His smile instantly disappeared and he pursed his lips. "You don't have to say it. Not again. I thought you'd changed."

"I thought maybe you had," I confessed. He just rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry. Look, you're a nice guy and all."

"You're repeating yourself from the last time we did this. Already. Come up with a better line before you decide to hurt someone else."

I thought he was going to get up and storm off. He'd done that last time. But instead he sat there beside me, and once our food came he ate it angrily, tearing at his sandwich as if it had been the one to piss him off instead of me. Then, when he was done, he walked away, leaving me with the bill and my half eaten lunch. I probably deserved it.

I had three days left of my vacation when I got a surprise text from Imrel. All he said was,Do you have time for me toshow you around some of Quebec?

I heard Bolivar's warning even as I agreed to go see him. Imrel hadn't seemed interested in me like Bolivar had said he was, so maybe Bolivar was wrong. Either way, I was ready to just be with someone, and it wasn't like Imrel was bad looking. He actually looked really good, and even if I wasn't turned on when I thought about him, maybe I could get there if I got to know him a little better.

Imrel picked me up from the airport and slung his arm over my shoulder. His kiss came next. He kissed me like he'd been kissing me for years, like he knew everything about me and hadn't seen me in months and couldn't wait to be with me again. I should have said something then, but I didn't.

I knew why I was there when he took me straight to his home and didn't even bother to get my bag out of the trunk of his car before taking me to his bedroom. Bolivar had warned me, and this was probably a mistake, but I was done being a virgin and Imrel clearly had a ton of experience, more than any guy I would ever be with again. I pushed myself to think past my nervousness as I kissed him back. I took off my shirt and lay down with him.

He kissed me hard and he was rough when he grabbed me, but it kind of worked for me. He wasn't being delicate with me, and maybe that was okay. My pants were barely off before he was naked with me. He tried to turn me over onto my stomach but I wanted to see him. I wanted to be held for my first time.

"You're a funny little human," he said as he bit my neck and shoulder hard enough to leave welts.

I didn't respond. I didn't even know what to say. It probably didn't matter to him, though. Unlike with Jack, I knew what Imrel wanted from me and had no delusions of some long relationship with him. I knew this wouldn't last beyond tonight. I bit my lip when he slammed into me. No warning, no nothing. Iwas in pain and everything hurt and he was just there biting me still, as if I was supposed to get used to it. As if I was the one with the problem.

"That really hurt," I ground out between his thrusts.

"Then you should have said something. You want lovey dovey crap, you need to speak up."

I didn't think I should have had to say anything like that, but maybe he was right. Clearly he knew what he was doing, and I was just trying to keep up.

He rubbed me, and that friction helped me forget about the pain for a little while. I closed my eyes and gave in to the first tendrils of pleasure that started in my belly. He wasn't even gentle with me then, but I could get past that.

He came well before I was ready and then I lay there, not really sure what I was supposed to do, as he moved off me and started getting dressed again. Was I supposed to finish myself? Demand that he come do it for me? Maybe, if he was human and if I knew what I was doing at all, but he was a dragon, and I didn't want to piss him off.

"I'll be right back," I muttered. I didn't want to not come during my first time, so I found his bathroom and stood there with one hand around me and the other on the sink to prop myself up. I was miserable as I started to touch myself and felt like I was forcing it.

I hadn't locked the door, and Imrel pushed it open. "You could have asked for help."

I stopped stroking myself as I met his gaze in the mirror. "I didn't think that I should have to."

He smirked as if silently telling me how stupid that was even when I thought he was the one being stupid about this. Imrel came up behind me and put one hand on the base of my cock and the other on my hip.
