Page 10 of Abe

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“May I have it?” asked Hiro, holding out his hand. She set the burner phone in his hand, and he disappeared.

“What’s he going to do?” she asked.

“Make sure you weren’t tracked and see if Agent Carr is alright,” said Hex. “You’ll stay in this cottage. It’s safe. Close enough to all of us. Hoot and Billy are the closest to you, so they’ll be checking on your cottage. But this is what you need to know. No one gets on this property without us knowing about it.”

“I did,” she smirked.

“That’s different,” said Luke. “When my grandparents are involved, all the rules are out the window. Believe me, Mama Irene won’t allow anyone on the property that could hurt us. You need to let us know if there’s something you need or something you want. Otherwise, you don’t move from this property. You can join all of us for meals from now on.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Thank you. Wh-what about Abe? He’s really angry at me.”

“He’s angry because he cares,” said Luke. “He thought there was a future between the two of you. Just the fact that he told you he was a SEAL tells me everything I need to know about how he felt about you. Give him some time to come to grips with it all.”

“I may not have time,” she whispered. “You and I both know that. My uncle is determined to see me dead. I betrayed him. I stole documents from him. Agent Carr said…”

“Agent Carr is dead,” said Hiro, walking back into the room. “I’m sorry.” Lyra gasped, clutching her chest, falling to her knees.

“Brother, how many fucking times do we have to tell you, Ace, and AJ—soften the blow,” frowned Eric. He knelt beside Lyra, gripping her shoulders. “It’s alright, honey. We’re on extreme vigilance now. Nothing will happen.”

“You c-can’t promise that,” she hiccupped. “You c-can’t. He got to him. An FBI agent! He could get to me and then to all of you. P-please, just put me on a plane and let me go somewhere else.”

“We can’t do that,” said Hex. “That’s not how we’re built. You’re gonna tell us everything you know about your uncle, everything you have. Then we’ll all know, we’ll all see it, and he damn sure can’t fight all of us.”

Lyra continued to shake her head while Eric, Cam, and Luke set water and tissues in front of her and started the tea kettle. She laughed, looking up at them.

“You guys seem to know what to do for crying women,” she grinned through her tears.

“Oh, hell yea,” said Eric. “We’ve had more experience than we’d like with that. You’re gonna be just fine, sweetie.”

Bella, Darby, Taylor, and Charlie came into the cottage and immediately began wrapping Lyra in warmth and love. Charlie set a stack of books on the table, Taylor and Darby set down two bags of clothing, cosmetics, and hair care products.

“Lyra, I’m Bella.”

“Oh,” she whispered. “You’re Abe’s mother. He hates me now.” The tears began to fall again, and Bella hugged the young woman to her ample breasts.

“He doesn’t hate you, honey. He’s terrified for you. Rightfully so. My brother was a gang leader doing time in a prison. It took me a long time to realize that everything he did in his world was to protect me. Abe’s scared of what he’s willing to do to protect you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“He’s willing to do anything, honey,” said Charlie. “I’m Charlie. Those are my books. You read them, and it might help you a little.”

“I’m Taylor,” smiled the beautiful little blonde. “My husband is Tango. You’ll meet him and everyone else soon enough. This is Darby. She’s married to Gunner, and they have a daughter, Calla.”

“Do I have to remember all of this,” she sniffed. The others laughed, shaking their heads.

“No, honey. You’ll meet everyone, and then you’ll know who belongs and who doesn’t,” said Bella. “For now, you must be starving. It’s almost lunchtime, and we’ve been holding you hostage here. Come on, we’ll go get some food.”

“Give me one minute. I just need to wash my face and put something warm on.” Lyra disappeared to the back bedroom, shutting the door. All eyes turned to Hiro, staring at him.

“Basic. Carr was tortured, then his tongue cut out, and mailed to the bureau. His body was found in his truck, inside his garage. They have no idea what he said to them. No documents were at his home, so if they were looking for something, they didn’t find it.”

“Where is all the evidence?” asked Luke. Hiro looked down the hallway, then back at the team.

“She has it.”


“You want to explain to me why you treated a young woman that way?” asked Razor. “I’ve taught you better than that.”
