Page 14 of Abe

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Lyra loved how he made love to her. It was as if he were savoring a piece of art or a decadent dessert. Abe took his time, enjoying every moment of whatever he was doing to her body. She thought he was done, only to find him getting a warm cloth and wiping her body down, then coming back with body oils, massaging, gently making love to her in new ways.

When she woke in the morning, she didn’t want to get out of bed. Never as satisfied in her life, she was happy to just lay there the rest of her days.

The rest of her days. That sobered her quickly. She had to help Abe and the others stop her uncle. Not just for her but for all the others out there who would suffer if she didn’t. She showered and dressed, then stepped into the kitchen to find Abe reviewing some notes on a tablet.

“Good morning,” she smiled.

“Good morning, baby,” he said, standing to kiss her. “Are you sore? Do you need anything?”

“I’m perfect, Abe. I love how you love me. I love how you make me feel while you’re loving me. I should have told you that sooner, but I was scared.”

“I love how you let me love you. And I should have told you that I was in love with you before all of this mess. I wanted to, Lyra. I was scared, too,” he grinned. “We’re going to have breakfast and then head over to the offices today. Are you ready to speak to everyone?”

“I am,” she nodded. He looked at her, then down at her hands.

“Lyra, we need the evidence you have on your uncle.”

“I know.”

“Baby, I need you to trust me. Where is it?”

“I have it,” she said. He stared at her, and she smiled at him. “I have it, Abe. I need for you to trust me.”

He nodded, pulling on his coat. She grabbed her black wool peacoat and walked toward the door, waiting for him. He just shook his head, wondering if she was leading them on. Knowing the danger that she was in, he damn sure hoped she actually possessed the evidence she’d told everyone about.

Breakfast was loud and filled with love and excitement. The children were still enjoying the post-Christmas break. Gaspar was feeding Violet and Striker’s new baby, Grayson. His big, beefy hands held the infant like a football, making strange noises as he fed.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the surgery?” asked Abe quietly. “I could have helped you.”

“Abe, I know you think that, but if I had said anything, I just know that my uncle would have found out. I worried all the time that he’d bugged your apartment.”

“Babe, I screened my apartment for bugs all the time. No one had cameras or listening devices inside my apartment. Not ever. If you had just trusted me, we could have prevented all of this.” Bella saw the defeated look on Lyra’s face and walked toward her son.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear,” she smiled. “I hope you had a good night. Abe? Perhaps Lyra didn’t tell you because she knew that you would react just like you are now.”

“And how am I acting, Mom?”

“Like you can save the day. You men always think you can save the day. Sometimes, the day can’t be saved, Abe. Lyra was doing what she thought was best. Protecting you while attempting to protect herself as well. As your mother, I will forever be grateful to her for that. But, for now, why don’t you cut her some slack and recognize the sacrifice she made in doing what she did.”

Abe was quiet for a moment, looking at his father. His brows were raised, giving his only child a knowing look. His beautiful wife knew far more than she was given credit for. With an engineering degree, she often helped with designs at G.R.I.P. and still did editing for braille text. She was his everything.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. You did what you thought was best in the moment, and I appreciate it. But we’re a team now. You and me. I’ll keep you informed, and you keep me informed.”

“I promise,” she said, nodding at him.

She looked at Bella and gave a small smile, nodding at her. Lyra was going to like having this woman as her ally and friend. Beautiful, smart, and she knew how to manage her son and husband. She’d missed having that female influence in her life. Maybe now, she would have it.

“Are you ready to head to the offices?” asked Abe.

“I think so,” she nodded.

Although the sun was shining, the wind was whipping with a bitter cold, causing everyone to pull their coats up around their neck. Inside the office building, Lyra was surprised to find it larger than it looked from the outside.

“How do you keep all of this hidden? I mean, you said no one knew where you were located. How?” she asked, an expression of confusion on her face.

“Technology,” smiled Abe. “We have the most technologically advanced devices in the world. This entire property is beneath a stealth canopy that doesn’t allow for it to be seen from the main road or from the air. It just appears to be green, wet swamp. Nothing else.”

“That’s amazing,” she said, shaking her head. “Who does all the decorating of the cottages and all the buildings? I haven’t seen the inside of any other cottage but the one I was in, but seeing all of this now, it’s amazing. It’s stunning.”
