Page 18 of Abe

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“Not nearly as much as I have,” said Lyra. “There’s an entire slip drive with notes that my uncle made about meetings with Garvin.” Nate stared at her, then at the rest of the men.

“It’s true,” said Code. “I’ve got it right here. His penmanship is lacking, but the notes are clear. This one actually discusses their next meeting would be on board the Michigan.”

“He got Quetz on board a U.S. sub?” frowned Luke.

“No one questioned him, brother. He’s known for busting guys down for no reason, and he is not a man who tolerates women on his team. That’s been a detriment to him, as you can imagine. The female members of the House and Senate have criticized him multiple times over it.

“I thought maybe he wasn’t interested in women, but the reverse is true. He’s married but never seen with a strange woman at a public event. However, he does take advantage of everything Quetz and Wolford have to offer him.”

Nate looked at Abe, a silent conversation happening between them.

“What? What’s that look for?” asked Lyra.

“Your uncle wasn’t going to give you to Quetz, although you may well have ended up with him. He was planning to have Quetz give you to Garvin first.”

“I don’t understand. Why? I never met him. At least, I don’t think I did. Did he see me somewhere?”

“He’s seen you multiple times,” said Nate. “The last woman he was with, well, when he was done, it wasn’t pretty. She’s institutionalized now.”

“God,” whispered Lyra.

“The girl at Quinn’s? He was going to take her,” said Tobias. His cousin nodded at him.

“She’s just a kid. I mean, she’s twenty-four, but still.” His father stared at him, wondering if he was connected in some way to the young woman in question. “She’s safe, from what I know. Away from her family anyway.”

“Wait, is that the girl you asked us to create a new identity for?” asked Sly. Nate bit his lower lip and nodded.

“Listen, that’s not what we’re here about. We need to work together to stop Garvin and her uncle.”

“And Quetz,” said Lyra. “He’s the one that scares me.”

“Honey, they should all scare the fuck out of you, but Quetz is the least of our concerns. Abe is right. You’re safe here, and no one will know that you’re on this property. Garvin is pushing to get the data on our stealth and whisper technologies. So far, everyone has told him that he can’t have access to them.”

“That’s for damn sure,” frowned Ryan. “No one has that kind of access. If we sell it, we install it, and we’ve been very reluctant to sell to anyone. Right now, only our team has access to that technology.”

“He’s pushing for it, so just watch out.” He turned, heading back to the door.

“Where are you going?” asked Nathan.

“I have to finish this, Dad. You guys take care of Wolford, and I do mean take care of him. Finish him off, and Quetz won’t have his resource any longer. I’m going to work on getting Garvin.”

“Where’s Mike?” asked Nathan. Nate smirked at his father, shaking his head.

“Sorry, Dad. That’s classified.” Nate disappeared, and Lyra just sat, staring at the swinging door. So many of the men looked alike, but Nate definitely looked identical to his father and grandfather. And uncle. And cousin. Now she was really confused.

“Lyra? Honey, did you hear me?”

“No, sorry. I was just thinking about how much he looks like his father and grandfather. I mean, really, really like his grandfather.” The men chuckled at her observation, nodding their heads.

“We have a lot of family that are multiples, and it seems the DNA is strong on this property.”

“I guess that’s a good thing,” she whispered, nodding at Abe. “So, what do we do now? You have all the information I have. What next?”

“Next, we’re going to have you sit with Hiro, Tanner, Sly, and Code and go through all the information you copied. If an explanation is needed, please give as much detail as you can,” said Abe. “We’re going to make contact with a few people we know in D.C.”

Abe kissed her forehead as Sly started to lead her into another room. Lyra stopped and looked at all the men and women in the room.

“I appreciate everything you’re doing for me. But at any time, if Quetz or my uncle come for me, don’t let them find all of you. I’ll swim my way out of here before I let that happen.”
