Page 42 of Abe

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“Nathan is Diné. Navajo. In my time, we would have never been allowed to have a relationship.”

“Martha, you do not strike me as a woman who adheres to social convention or rules. I see you as a historic feminist.” Martha laughed, nodding at the young woman.

“I suppose I was. When I took over this place, no one thought a woman could do it. No one except my brother. He was wonderful. Men tried to convince me that I needed them to do this job. They attempted to woo me in the ways that men did back then. Flowers, chocolates, even jewelry. What were they thinking? I was a wealthy woman with an ability to purchase those things on my own!

“As they realized that I would not take a husband, many men refused to do business with me. That’s when Franklin stepped in for me. He would take the cotton and the crops to be sold. He would negotiate with the shippers. It was unprecedented for a black man to have such power back then, but they knew he was representing the owner of Belle Fleur.

“I still appeared in public. I went to mass. I attended the ladies’ teas. I made myself known, but when I started to no longer age, I was accused of voodoo or witchcraft.”

“Oh, yes. Abe told me about the pond and its healing abilities. I have to confess. I didn’t believe in it at first. Recently, I went down there with Bella. I felt remarkable afterwards. Sort of light and just different.”

“Yes, it’s an amazing gift we’ve been given. But also one that has to be hidden. I couldn’t show my face any longer. When I was a young woman, Lyra, probably younger than you, I thought I was in love.”

“You did?”

“Yes. A beautiful man. His family owned a property upriver. He courted me with every intention of asking my parents for my hand. One day, he came to tell me that he would be sailing north to meet with some very important people.

“I waited for him. Week after week, I waited and watched. I asked my father every day when he thought he might return. He just told me to be patient. Then, one day, my father walked into the maze and sat beside me. He said he had something to tell me, and it would not be easy to hear.”

“Did your man pass?” frowned Lyra.

“Pfft! I wish!” Lyra let out a little giggle. “No, he married the daughter of the man he’d met. She was even wealthier than me. I heard through friends that she was quite round with a pock-marked face, but she was damn sure wealthy.”

“Martha, I’m so sorry,” said Lyra.

“I’m not. All good things take time, my dear. Sometimes, you have to wait to get to the best parts. Your man, Abe, is the best part. He is true of heart and will return to you. I know because I found the same. Nathan and I could move on if we wanted to. No one really knows that, but we could.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Because this is home. This is where we can have our love, in this magical place. We can have a physical touch that isn’t possible if we move on. Claudette and Tony are the same. We’re able to speak to all of you, be with you, read books. It’s magical, and we don’t want to lose that.

“Nathan is the only man that has truly loved me for me. He gets nothing by loving me.”

“Nonsense,” said the big bass voice. “I get loved back. I’m a fortunate man. I get to see my grandson, great-grandsons and great-granddaughters, and my great-great-grandchildren. My life was lonely and filled with pain when I walked this earth as you do. Now, I am in love with the most amazing woman, and my heart, though not beating, is full.”

“I’m going to bet that your heart is beating, Nathan,” smiled Lyra. “You’re all so amazing. Grip is amazingly protective. When I go for my walks in the morning, he follows me around. I’m not sure what he could do if someone were to try and take me, but it makes me feel better. Yori is full of wisdom and wonderful stories. Claudette and Tony are forever youthful and in love. You’ve all given me something that I needed. Family.”

“You’ll meet the others eventually,” said Martha. “Billy and Marcel.”

They heard commotion and turned, seeing Christopher chasing Ramey down. He was laughing and crying at the same time. She was not.

“This isn’t funny, Christopher!” she turned, charging back at him, shoving his chest.

“I think it’s wonderful,” he laughed. “Ramey. Ramey, honey, look at me.”

Everyone stopped to watch the couple, and Ramey stared at them all, crying as she looked at Christopher. Angel and Mary were holding the triplets, Brooks, Mitchell, and Melissa.

“Christopher, I can’t do this.”

“Oh, my goodness,” said Lyra. “I hope they’re alright.”

“They’re just fine,” smiled Nathan. “Listen.”

“Do you remember when I told you that I loved you and wanted to marry you? I said I wanted to have babies with you,” said Christopher.

“I remember, and don’t throw that back at me. I was stupid in love,” she sniffed. He laughed, hugging her.

“And I still am stupid in love with you, Ramey. You said you wanted seven babies. Seven. We got three on the first round.”
