Page 47 of Abe

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“I’m not sure how I feel about this,” said Abe. “I know that you’ve done this trick before, showing someone as a mirage. I mean, hell, you did it with the Michigan. But the minute he attempts to take her or touch her, he’s going to know, and that poor girl is dead.”

“Harlow,” frowned Nate. “Her name is Harlow.”

All eyes turned to him, staring at his stricken face. To their knowledge, he’d only met the girl one time at the party thrown by Quinn. It wasn’t completely ridiculous, but it was odd if he fell in love with her that quickly.

“Harlow. Sorry, brother,” said Abe. “Listen, we’re all good with stealth technologies. I say we approach the ranch from the rear. Let’s figure out what’s in that bunker and then just make our way up to the bunkhouse and the ranch itself.”

“He’s right,” said Montana. “We could use some of our personal stealth options and get you all close to that bunker. You find out what’s in there, and we keep going from there.”

“Hey, you guys might want to hear this,” said Sly. “It took a while, but we finally got the DOD to talk to us about missing shipments. No one was aware of this. No one. NASA and the DOD have been partnering to develop weapons to be attached to the satellites. They have the capability of firing from space, hitting their targets within a five-hundred-yard miss.”

“We told them we wouldn’t do that,” said Montana. “Doug, Cam, Luke, and I met with them about two years ago. They wanted us to develop the technology, and we refused. For this very reason. If anyone gets their hands on those, they could be modified to fit any satellite out there.”

“Are we talking nuclear weapons?” asked Nate.

“Thermonuclear and chemical,” frowned Montana. “Thermonuclear would be mass destruction for an entire continent from that distance. Chemical could annihilate an entire country. Some organisms and bacteria are so deadly placing them in a small canister and hurtling them thousands of miles to Earth would be the end of a species.

“They could hit somewhere in a place with little habitation, and the organism could spread so rapidly no one would ever know where it came from.”

“Jesus, what does he have in that bunker?” frowned Hex.

“I think we have to go to Texas and find out.”

“Bluetown is considered a part of McAllen. If we fly into their airport, everyone will know that we’re coming. We’ll go in by the Gulf. Get to Padre Island and go from there. No Ospreys. No jets. They won’t expect that,” said Luke.

“Get the SUVs waiting at the docks for us. Fly them in on the cargo plane and get them down there tonight. By the time we get there, they’ll be ready,” said Cam.

“There have to be others involved,” said Ryan. “If he’s stealing technologies from NASA, the DOD, and trying to steal from us, there have to be people other than Garvin involved in the government.”

“Lyra said that he had connections to police, politicians, government officials, all of them. We need to know who else has met with Wolford,” said Luke.

“We need the North Korean scientist,” said Abe. “He’ll cave. We have to get to Dallas and find him.”

“He’ll be easy to find,” said Thomas. “He’s currently a visiting professor at SMU.”

“Then I guess we’re going back to college,” said Nate. Cam and Luke stared at him, then back at his father.

“Nate, you’re still with Delta, brother. You can’t go rogue on this.”

“I’m taking leave. Mike is still out there and doing his thing, but I took leave. I have to finish this. I have to find her.”

“We know where she is, Nate,” said Abe.

“No. We know where he claims she is. He could have moved her anywhere by now. Sold her. We don’t know!” he yelled. Abe stared at his friend, nodding. He knew what he was feeling. He’d felt it as well.

“Then let’s go find out.”


The campus of SMU was beautiful, set right in the middle of Dallas near the swanky neighborhood of Highland Park. Million-dollar mansions with gorgeous tree-lined streets and private schools filled the small community.

Ryan, Thomas, and Parker entered the engineering building with Zeus, heading toward the research laboratory where Kwan was supposed to be. As they neared the lab, Zeus let a low rumble escape his chest.

“It’s okay, boy,” whispered Parker. Watching the door, Parker carefully pushed it open to see Kwan hovering above a table with strange devices laid out.

“What are you doing? This is a private laboratory!” he said. “I’m calling security.”

“Probably not a good idea,” said Thomas.
