Page 51 of Abe

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“A brother?” he frowned.

“Worse. I’m his father and will fucking gut you right here if you speak of your niece that way again.”

“I believe you’re looking for this,” said Abe, dangling the necklace in front of him.

“Give me that! I can make you a very rich man.”

“I’m already a rich man,” said Abe. For the first time, he truly looked at the other man in the room and shook his head. “You.”

“Don’t worry, Abe,” said Fitz. “I’m taking a few photos for the president. I’m sure he’s going to want to have a conversation with him.”

“No! No, please! This is all a misunderstanding. He kidnapped me. Yea, he kidnapped me and forced me to be a part of this.”

“You’re pathetic,” said Abe.

“On that, we can agree,” said Wolford, glaring at the other man. “It won’t stop with me. There are far too many players in this game.”

“There are always too many players in this game,” said Abe. “We’ve got Kwan. We got Garvin, Quetz, and Golubev. Oh, and his precious daughter.”

“You’re very resourceful,” he frowned. “But you won’t find the box.”

“You mean this box?” asked Noa. Wolford paled, staring at the man. “Yea, we’re not as dumb as you think, and hiding a box under a bed is pretty old school. You should really work on your technical abilities. I mean, I would have hidden this in a safe, at least. Or maybe pull out a few bricks on that fireplace and make a hole for it. But, whatever.”

“You are the most annoying men I’ve ever met.”

The group smiled, and a chorus of ‘thank you’ echoed in the room. Reeves attempted to run, only to be grabbed by Chris and O’Hara, pulling him back into the room.

“Try that again, and I’ll kill you,” said Chris.

“I’m the vice president of the United States of America!”

“You were the vice president,” said Chris. “Tonight is the night that you died.” The man fainted, pissing his pants all the way to the floor.

“Let’s see what we have,” said Abe. He took the star, placing it in the mimicking depressing on the box. Turning it right, he heard the click and opened the lid. Wolford stared at him, waiting for the contents to be revealed to him. He didn’t know how he would get them, but he would steal them somehow.

“Hmm,” said Abe. “She was a cute kid.” He held up a photo of Lyra holding a stuffed giraffe. Then, another of her parents holding her. Photos. Stacks and stacks of photos filled the box. Turning it, he allowed Wolford to look inside.

“It’s quite a treasure,” smirked Abe.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “No. It’s in there. I know it’s in there! He had the plans for it. There’s a false bottom. There must be a false bottom!”

“There’s no false bottom. This is it. All that work, all that death and destruction for something that didn’t even fucking exist.”

Wolford knew he had nothing to lose at this point. He ran toward the front door, only to be greeted by a large boot to the gut. Falling to his feet, he groaned in agony and was then gripped by his arms and dragged backward.

Abe knelt in front of him, pulling his head back by his hair.

“Listen carefully to me. You will no longer be on this Earth after tonight. I will love your niece for all time. She will be mine and mine only. We will have babies together, lots of healthy, normal, happy babies that you will never see. Enjoy hell, Wolford.”

As the sounds of helicopters and sirens filled the air, they knew that their federal partners were coming in.

Taking tracts of land, teams of men searched the ranch, finding three more bunkers filled with weapons, documents, and mechanical devices that no one was able to identify as yet. It would take some time, but they would find out what they were and who obtained them.

The vice president was taken into federal custody, crying and begging for his release. His shame and humiliation would be placed on display during the trial for all of America and the world to see. It would send a message that no one was above the law. No one.

“How did they get all this?” asked Red, staring at the stash. It was being logged into a computer, photographed, and loaded on dozens of military trucks. Some of it belonged to the U.S., and some belonged to other countries.

“I’m not sure,” said Cam, “but we’re going to look at it all, take what belongs to us, and return the rest. We don’t need any animosity between nations. Not any more than we already have.”

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