Page 52 of Nate

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“We’ll try to help with that,” said Kat. “We’ve got all the information and the help of Bodwick and some of the others. What we really want to do is provide peace and closure for all the families that lost daughters, or sons, over the years.”

“Too many families have been destroyed,” said Harlow. “Any of the money that we can use to help them, I’d like to do that. I know you have a victim’s fund already in place, but perhaps we can add this money to that or start another fund.”

“I think that’s a very good idea, Harlow,” smiled Katrina. “Let’s go speak with Kari and the others and see what we can do about that.” Harlow nodded at the woman but turned to her new family.

“I wish I could have met you all sooner. I wish that all of this was a bad nightmare, but it’s my reality. I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You’ve given me the opportunity for a life with the only man I’ve ever loved.”

Nate hugged his wife, kissing her passionately in front of family and friends. When she left, he turned to the others, nodding his thanks as well.

“What now?” asked Mike.

“Well, you need to get used to being a civilian,” smirked his father. “That’s going to start with the Mardi Gras ball. Mama Irene has decided it will be a masquerade ball this year. Everyone.”

“How in the hell is that going to work? We like to see who’s at our parties.”

“Everyone will be checked when they enter the ballroom. This year, we’re able to do it on Halo Island. It’s the perfect venue for it. People can load up on the small transports near the village and come across. No one comes on property here,” said Luke.

“That seems reasonable. What’s the theme?”

“Simple,” smiled Nate. “Fairy tale couples.”

“Fuck me.”

“How are you dealing with all of this, Harlow?” asked Georgie, staring at her new friend.

“I’m not really sure. I feel relief and happiness that it’s over with, but then again, there could be other men and women out there that weren’t on the list. What if they come for me or one of you?”

“Honey, no one will come here. We’ve told you that,” said Katrina.

“I know,” she nodded. “Just give me some time for that to truly soak in. Thank you. All of you. I’ve never had a lot of female friends, for obvious reasons. I didn’t want anyone to get caught up in what my parents were doing. I think what I need to work out in my head is why I didn’t just leave it all behind and walk away.”

“Harlow, your parents had you brainwashed. They made you believe that you would have nothing, no one to turn to. They also told you that others would come for you. You have no way of knowing whether or not that was the truth. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“Thank you,” she said, nodding at Katrina. Suddenly, she was feeling light-headed, and a wave of nausea crossed her abdomen. “Whoa.”

“Hey, are you okay?” asked Georgie.

“I-I’m not sure.” She stared at the women, all of them smiling at her. “What does pregnancy feel like?”


“Does she know?” smiled Martha.

“Not yet,” grinned Nathan. “I like to keep these things quiet for a while. It’s a wonderful ability we have to be able to mess with these amazing machines.” He waved his hand around the clinic, smiling at Martha.

“Yes, but shouldn’t she know? Don’t you want your great-grandson to know?”

“They’ll find out soon enough. Besides, it shouldn’t be a surprise that they’ll bring two more Redhawks into this world.”

“If your family keeps going, you’ll have an entire nation of Redhawks.” Nathan smiled at the woman who’d stolen his heart, nodding at her.

Maybe that wasn’t such a bad plan. Redhawk Nation. It had a nice ring to it.

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