Page 22 of Murder/Love

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Carrieand I have spent a relaxing day together. Though the morning's news rattled her a bit, she seems calmer now and more content. She is wise for her age and she seems like an old soul, able to take life’s grievances in her stride. When I tell her this I can see that she recognizes in my eyes the pride I feel for her and that it makes her happy. She is extremely intelligent and that makes her more becoming tome.

I took her for a walk around the grounds and she's sleeping now. My poor darling has had the weight of the world on her shoulders and I want to unburden her. If I could take away all the pain and stress she's endured then I would be happy. But I can only take as much as she will give and for now, though I know she is fascinated by me, I also know that she doesn't quite trust me yet. That's why I've planned a special evening to give her something new to focuson.

As it is, I've spent the day just watching Carrie. Her every movement makes me stare in wonderment, and in awe, of this being I've managed to capture. Like a butterfly too beautiful to set free, she must be caged and caught so that someone like me can witness her beauty unfettered. I am so in love, or lust, or in adoration of her that it surprises even me. She's been a champ at handling this break from everything she knew. It's not like she was happy in the life I stole her from, but it was at least hers. Here, in my palatial estate, it really does feel like she's my prisoner. Despite my attempts to let her know that she has choices and she can roam free, I think she and I both know that I will never fully let her go. I will always be there in the shadows, watching her, making sure she's alright. She is like magic and there's only so much willpower I have over that. At this point, I will take Carrie however I can get her. Though I am the one in control here, she has me basically on my knees, begging for her to stay. I would of course never reveal this to her but I'm getting in deep, I'm falling in love, and if she left me now I'd be devastated. I want her. I only wanther.

My love and this exciting time in my life seem worth sharing, and there's only one person I can trust with a secret this delicious- Carter. He's the closest thing I have to a brother and I know he'll be interested in news like this. I am never absorbed in a girl for longer than one night, so he'll be keen to see the one who's grabbed my attention. Carter has a way about him that might charm Carrie and help her to feel more comfortable in her new surroundings. At least that is myhope.

There is a sense of disquiet within me however, an unease at the thought of them meeting. I cannot ignore the anxious feelings that arise with the thought of having Carter over. He can be intimidating and I don't want him to scare her off. I hope she sees in him a brother figure that is part of this life and in whom she can trust. I'd like us all to be a family. This is my first and only shot at having something resembling a normal life. Sometimes I feel isolated in my rare corner of the world and though I can have any extravagance, nothing can compare to the feeling of creating a true dynasty with the people Ilove.

It's been Carter and me for some years now. He's the only one who knows my business because we basically started together. I couldn't honestly hide Carrie from him, he'd find out eventually, so having him over seems like the best course of action. There is a side to him that is unpredictable though and I hope it doesn't come out tonight. I don't want Carter to spook her. I hope he's well-behaved and that he recognizes Carrie for what she is… my treasure.

I'm in the kitchen preparing the five course meal that I have planned for tonight. Cooking is another passion of mine, a hobby, and I think Carrie sees why and that she appreciates my efforts. I want her to have every luxury while she's here and I don't want the prying eyes of some private chef on her. In fact, the more I think about it the more unsure I am if Carter should even be here. I don't want his prying eyes on Carrie either. She is mine and I feel possessive of her to a degree that I've never felt before. Even sharing her presence is hard for me. I’m jealous that Carter will get to be in the same room with her as so far it’s been just me. I’ve been the only man she’s laid eyes on in quite a while and I like it that way. It arouses me to think about how wrapped up in me she has been. Trust or no trust I’ve been the only one to see her, to kiss her skin, to taste her sweet little pussy that is always wet for my hungry mouth. I want her as my sole possession, but I wonder how I could ever achieve that? I have her tucked away in my part of the world but eventually she will have to see people. I don't want her to feel isolated either. Maybe she will find a friend in Carter? And with that I push the thoughts out of my head and refuse to think of anything negative. This evening will go flawlessly and then we can all move forward together, that is myplan.

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