Page 34 of Murder/Love

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I've changedinto some sexy, black lingerie and I'm wearing a black slip over it. My heels are on, my hair is in curls down my back and I have been preparing all day to make Jeremy dinner. He always does such a good job making me the most exquisite dishes and though it's taking me much longer, I'm trying to repay the favor and to do the same for him. I've been reading recipes all day and watching videos. I am not the greatest cook in the world, having never had to do it before. And especially compared to Jeremy, I am bad at this, but I'm trying my hand at it, if not to impress him then to at least show him Icare.

I've got subtle jazz music playing and I'm swaying my hips to it as I put the final touches on my Sauce Espagnole. Man, this cooking thing is hard. I hear someone enter the room behind me and I swing around to meet Jeremy.

"You're here! Look what I'vebeen—"

My words are cut off as I gasp and swallow hard. It's him. It's not Jeremy. It’s…Carter. And he's alone. I'm here alone with Carter. Fuck. I need Jeremy here, now.

"Hi Carrie," he evenly says to my shocked face. "My, my, what have we here? Cooking I see? And, oh lovely you're dressed."

He stares at me intently and I suddenly feel self-conscious in my flimsy outfit. I'm sure he can see through it, to my new lingerie.

He comes behind me and I'm standing perfectly still unable to move for the fear coursing through my body. I do not feel safe with Carter. Everything about him makes my caution signs ring off. He is alarming me and I try to staycool.

"Oh, hi Carter," I say it nonchalantly. "Did Jeremy invite you for dinner? I can easily set another place. He'll be back any minute." The truth is I have no idea where Jeremy is or when he'll be back. He's been out allday.

Carter laughs something wicked, "I think we both know there's no Jeremy here. Don't you think I've timed this right? I'm very meticulous."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the way you've come between me and Jeremy. I'm not going to allow it Carrie. Jeremy has become wrapped up in you and it's all over. He's been distracted and I can't havethat."

"What are you saying, Carter? I haven't done anything toyou."

"Oh but you have," He's behind me, breathing down my neck in an eerie way. I can feel his cold, domineering stature behind me and I slowly look around for a weapon in case it comes tothat.

"Did the detective findyou?"

I spin around to glare in his face. "What? Did you call him? You told him where I was? Why would you dothat?"

"I told you," he traces his long finger down the side of my face and places my hair behind my ear. "You've become a distraction."

"Listen, Carter, I don't know who you think you are but Jeremy loves me, and I love him. You will never come betweenus."

This seems to piss him off, the fact that we are in love, and he screams in my face, "You are not like us! You will never be like us no matter what you think you're playing at. Did you think you would come to the dark side and get back out alive?"

He's truly frightening now and I grab the large knife I've been using to cut vegetables. I point it at him and my hand is shaking. He smirks at me in a condescending way like I'm a child.

"You're way out of your league, Carrie. Besides, there will be plenty of time for knives later." And he grabs the knife I'm holding with his bare hand and it slices into him with blood dripping everywhere and he doesn't seem to care or notice.

With one quick movement, he's got me by the hair and he's dragging me out of the kitchen. I can tell he's headed for the basement and I don't know what's down there but I do know that if I go down there with him I will not come back up alive. I fight and claw at him but it's truly like child's play to him as he's so much stronger. He's got me by the arm now and no matter how much I kick and scream and scratch at him, there's no stopping it. He's going to killme.

He's pulling me down the stairs but I've grabbed onto the door frame and just then to my great relief Jeremy strides in the door. He registers what is happening and immediately comes to myaid.

"What the fuck are you doing Carter?"

Carter holds me by the waist, and I’m pulling away for Jeremy. I want his arms to encircle me and to protect me from this monster.

"She's a distraction. You knowthat!"

"Let her" Jeremy's voice has a tone of violence like I've never heard before. He's deadly serious.

"Family comes first Jeremy. That's what we've alwayssaid."

"You're exactly right.” Jeremy lunges forward and swipes me out of the way with one hand and with the other he attacks Carter. He knocks him unconscious. Carter's large frame falls down the basement stairs.

I am shocked in this moment that Jeremy chose me over Carter, his only family.

" choseme."

"Of course I did." He's grasping me now, tightly. "I will never let anything come betweenus."

I cling to him, reliving what I just witnessed. "It was horrible, Jeremy. I thought I would die. I thought I would lose you forever."

"You will never lose me. I love you, and I'm about to show you howmuch."
