Page 44 of Murder/Love

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Jeremy's lettingme drive his Bentley since we are on the way to my parent's house. I can't believe what we're about to do and an anxious sense of anticipation and adrenaline is pumping through my veins. Finally, I will be able to close the door on the past and to put it all to rest. No more classmates, no more parents. Everyone who has ever tormented me in my life will be dead and I'm not just happy about it, I'm elated.

I'm driving fast, enjoying the privilege of being with Jeremy, the man I love. The whole experience is so intense that it's tough to describe. Every part of me is awake. I can see the turns in the road before they arrive, I can hear the beat of Jeremy's heart and it's pretty in sync with my own. I can feel the minuscule drips of sweat that drop between my breasts as my body temperature heats up at the thrill of it all. Everything is heightened and I feel lighter than air. I feel as though this is my destiny. I've finally found my place, my home, in Jeremy and now I've found my purpose.

"You okay?" heasks.

"Yeah. I'm excited."

He places his arm around my shoulder in a loving squeeze to reassure me. It helps. I'm excited of course, but also the thought of seeing my parents has my stomach in those old familiar knots, where I dread what abusive thing they will slur my way. If it wasn't for them maybe I'd have grown up normal. But as it is I was damaged goods, so abused and betrayed by the people who were supposed to love me. It is only Jeremy who has resurrected me from the past into this present moment where I am finally able to be who I reallyam.

The car flies down the highway and finally we arrive at the old familiar house I grew up in. It screams new money and it still has those ostentatious lion statues adorning the driveway. This place might be worth a fortune, but man is it tacky. I've always thoughtso.

I meander the car down the long driveway. We arrive and Jeremy opens the car door for me. We are equipped with our weapons, ready to take this on. He gives me a supportive nod before I ring the doorbell.

"Oh, Carrie!" My mother answers with her fake, high-pitched voice. "Honey, you'll never guess who has just arrived. It's Carrie honey, and she's brought aboy."

"Hi mom," I say begrudgingly. I feel like a child again as soon as we enter, though the feel of my Lapis blade beneath my coat pocket brings me back to the point. Thinking of it gives me strength.

"This is my friend, my, um boyfriend."

"Jeremy," he says finishing for me and taking my mom's bent wrist. She's taking in his gorgeous face and chiseled bod I know. She's sizing him up and there's nothing small about Jeremy.

"Oh, hello. Are you the asshole who kidnapped my daughter?"

Jeremy smoothly avoids the question. He's getting a taste of what I've had to live with. And he's sizing her uptoo.

My dad enters the black and white foyer. There's ghastly marble everywhere and the sight is too familiar.

"So, you've decided to come home, have you? Do you have any idea how much money you cost us by skipping out on those interviews? No one cares now. It's all over. You lost our chance for fame. I'm not even sure why you're in this house." Only then does he notice Jeremy who has a carnal look on his face, Jeremy’s eyes looking at me with longing. It makes me feel erotic and as though I can stand up to these two people, my lifelong headaches.

With one quick movement, Jeremy has my dad against the floor in a choke hold. My mother screams and it echoes off of the massive, marble floors and walls. Her scream reverberates throughout the entire empty house. No one can hear. Not for miles. Jeremy is just choking my dad and finally, he slams his head against the floor and my dad is out ice-cold. My mother is frantic now but I calmly watch her. It's great to see her squirm for once, unsure of her future. She's crying and yelling.

"Shut the fuck up for once, mother."

Jeremy smiles at me and he rises from my dad, the heap on the floor. He pulls him into the nearby sitting room and I point my revolver at my mother's back. She is crying miserably.

"How could you, Carrie? But you're my little girl. You know that. I loveyou."

"Oh really?" I force the gun against her back and push to where my dad and Jeremy are. "You know that's the first time you've ever said it? Do you think I believe you now after all these years of isolation and abuse? No! It's toolate."

My veins are pumping blood. I feel exhilarated. This is happening. I am about to be rid of what's been plaguing me. The man I love is coming to my ultimate defense. He ties up my mother and father together. My dad finally becomes conscious again. He stutters and spits, trying to uncover what's happened.

"Carrie? What isthis?"

"Shut up, father. I hate you both and I won’t miss either of you or your fake bullshit when I endyou.”

My mother sobs and Jeremy slits her throat without another word. My dad looks on, horrified.

"No, no. Carrie this can't be happening. You've got it all wrong. Everything we did we did foryou."

My mother's gone now and the feeling of that elates me. Jeremy is letting me take the lead. My dad is trying to barter for his life, "Carrie come on. You'll go to prison. You don't want that to happen, do you? We can get out of this right now, together. I won't tell asoul."

"It's too late, dad. There's nothing you can do. You sealed your fate throughout all those years where you would just punish me for not living up to your shallow expectations. You were horrible parents and now you're going topay."

"No one will believe you," he stammers.

"Oh, father you've got this all wrong. It's going to be a murder/suicide/arson. Do yousee?"
