Page 66 of Steele

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“Of course, Harper. Anytime.” He had trouble looking away from her pretty green eyes.

“Would you help me stand up?”

“Sure.” He gently pulled her hand so that she was sitting upright on the edge of the bed. The oversized hospital gown fell off one shoulder, so he quickly pulled the fabric back into place.

“They gave me a full liter of IV fluids.” Her cheeks went pink with embarrassment. “I need to use the restroom.”

He escorted her to the restroom, then waited for her to emerge.

“Much better.” She smiled. “It’s the little things.”

“I can only imagine.” She leaned against him for a moment. When she glanced up, he couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from her mouth.

Brock’s lecture and even his own determination to stay detached fled from his mind. He lowered his head, capturing her mouth with his.

Kissing Harper was akin to playing with fire. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to care if he got burned. He pulled her closer, angling his head to deepen their kiss.

“Steele.” Brock’s sharp tone was like a kick in the behind. He broke off the kiss, glancing guiltily at his teammate. The accusation in Brock’s eyes made him wince.

“I just got a call from Rhy.” Brock glanced at Harper, then back at him. “The feds went to Gibson’s office to let the lawyer know about the arrest warrant for Otterson.” He paused, then added, “They found Gibson lying on the floor of his office with a head wound.”

Gibson was attacked? By Otterson? Or someone else?

He glanced at Harper, seeing the shock in her expression. He had a bad feeling their case had just intersected with the one the feds were working on.

And he did not think that was good for any of them.

Especially Harper.


“Is Trent alive?” Harper pushed the question through her tight throat. The family photo of his wife and two young sons flashed in her mind. He had a young family, and she could only imagine what they were going through.

“Yes, he’s being transported here, to Trinity Medical Center.” Brock frowned. “We need to get you out of here ASAP. I think it’s entirely possible the attacks against you are linked to the case against Otterson.”

“Agree. Get dressed, Harper.” Steele’s grim expression mirrored Brock’s. “We’re leaving.”

She wanted to protest that she hadn’t been officially discharged but held her tongue. The kind OB doc had indicated she could go home. She’d been reassured her baby was doing well after Dr. Webb had examined her. She scooped her clothes off the chair, then ducked into the bathroom to change.

Who had assaulted Trent? Neil Otterson? But if so, why? It didn’t make sense to take out your own defense lawyer.

Unless Otterson’s plan was to get rid of the guy so he wouldn’t have to pay his bill. But she knew Neil Otterson had already given Trent a sizable retainer. That was money he’d never get back. And what about that double billing she’d found? Was that part of this?

None of this made any sense.

Especially not the part where Jake’s gunrunning operation was somehow linked to Neil Otterson.

Neil was in his midforties by her estimation. Her ex-husband had just turned thirty. Neil had killed two Hispanic men in an apparent carjacking. While Jake had been buying and selling guns, working with sources in Detroit and Chicago. How were they connected?

The troubled thoughts made her head hurt, and she took several deep calming breaths, the warning from Dr. Faye Finnegan about stress not being good for her or the baby echoing in her mind. There was so much she couldn’t control, but she could practice stress-relieving techniques, the way Faye had suggested.

Still, she was worried about her boss. Not just because she needed the job at Gibson and Roberts. She cared about Trent. He’d been supportive of her, despite her ex-husband’s arrest. Almost treating her like a daughter.

Now he’d been hurt. And she still didn’t know who wanted her dead.

Her church pastor would tell her to trust in God’s plan. And she was trying to do that. Even if she didn’t understand why God’s plan meant she and her unborn child needed to be in danger. Then a thought occurred to her. Something the church pastor had said. Life’s challenges are often meant to bring a person closer to God.

Feeling calmer, she emerged from the bathroom to find Steele and Brock chatting with Dr. Faye Finnegan.
