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Amelia stepped forward before Finn could answer.

"I'm Amelia Winters, Inspector Winters," she said firmly. "And this is my associate, Finn, a consultant detective with the Home Office."

Finn noticed Terrance's gaze shifting between Amelia and Finn. He was either working out who was the one in charge or which one he would have to barge past to get away.

"We've come here to ask a few questions about your movements last night," Finn asked.

Terrance narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, standing firm like a wall of stone as he leaned against the door frame. "I don't talk to pigs," he said.

Finn turned to Amelia. "Now this guy is talking like he's in a movie."

"If you don't, we can take you in for obstruction," Amelia threatened. "There have been three murders at St Martins Castle and if you want to keep yourself out of suspicion, it would be helpful if you cleared some things up for us."

"We need a word about last night, during the flood," Finn stated, keeping his voice even and focused on the task at hand.

Terrance looked like he was weighing up what to do, and then suddenly his shoulders relaxed and he smiled.

"Sure, come on in," Terrance replied, surprisingly cheerful given the circumstances. Finn and Amelia exchanged glances before stepping into the caravan, dripping rainwater onto the worn linoleum floor. Terrance gestured for them to sit at the tiny table while he returned to his cooking.

"Smells good," Finn commented, trying to keep the conversation light. Terrance grinned, stirring the contents of the pan.

"Thanks. So, what do you need to know? I was here all night," he said casually, flipping a piece of chicken in the pan.

Finn caught Amelia's eye. "By yourself?"

Terrance nodded.

"So there's no one who can verify this?" Finn followed up.

Terrance looked tense for a moment as he stared at the pan. "I've done nothing wrong."

"You have been working at the castle for Wilson and Sons," Finn countered, watching Terrance's face for any signs of panic or guilt. Instead, the construction worker laughed, dismissing the accusation.

"Is that a crime now?" Terrance sniped.

"No," Amelia added. "But you have previous for nearly killing a woman with a knife some years ago. Now three women turn up dead near where you've been working, two of them most likely dying from knife wounds, you understand how that looks?"

"You can't pin that on me. Trust me, I was here," he insisted, but Finn noticed his hand grip the panhandle a little tighter. He then laughed again. "It's not my fault if some random birds bit the dust."

Amelia folded her arms, seemingly unconvinced by Terrance's words.

"Three women have lost their lives, Mr. Feldman. This is no laughing matter," she said sternly. Finn could see her patience wearing thin, an emotion he shared as doubt and suspicion churned in his gut. “And although we don't have all of the forensics back yet, it looks likely to me that they died last night either before or during the flood.”

"Look, I don't know anything about that—" Terrance started, but his voice faltered as Finn sensed a change in the man's demeanor. In a split second, Terrance hurled the pan of hot oil toward Finn, who instinctively ducked, feeling the heat graze his skin.

Terrance pushed past Amelia, knocking her into a kitchen cabinet, banging her head. Terrance then bolted from the trailer into the night.

"Are you okay?" Finn said, moving towards Amelia.

"I'm okay... Get after him!" Amelia shouted, already on her feet and sprinting out the door with Finn close behind. The rain soaked them instantly, but adrenaline kept their focus locked onto Terrance as he darted through the caravan park.

Finn and Amelia charged through the trailer park, each twist and turn leading them closer to their suspect. Finn could feel his heart pounding in his chest with every gust of wind that blew past and icy sheet of rain that soaked him; he knew they couldn't let Terrance escape - he was likely to kill again. As soaked earth flew from beneath their feet and rain ran down their faces, they raced through the trailer park like a labyrinthine maze.

"Split up!" Finn yelled to Amelia, veering off to cut Terrance off from the other side.

"Where are you going!?" Amelia shouted.

But Finn had no time to explain. He could see a way to head Terrance off at the pass. As he closed in on him, Finn's muscles tensed, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. He rushed off to the side and up a small incline, past another trailer and then leaped from above done onto his prey.
