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"Sometimes it comes in handy," Finn admitted, a small smile creeping across his lips. His thoughts turned briefly to his suspension and the investigation waiting for him back home. "But it's not always appreciated."

"Trust me," Amelia said, placing a hand on his arm. "This time, it was more than appreciated."

Sheryl, who had been hiding behind a pile of debris, scrambled to her feet and rushed over to join Amelia at Finn's side.

"Is it over?" Sheryl asked.

"There are two other guards around here," Finn said. "So we better not hang around. We'll let the police deal with that."

Amelia's arms wrapped around Finn, her body trembling as though with a mix of relief and the bitter wet cold. But Finn felt only the warmth of her embrace seep through his soaked clothes, anchoring him to the present moment.

"Can you guide us out of here with that?" Finn asked, pointing to the map.

"I think so," Amelia said. "Come on."

They made their way forward. Occasionally hearing something else moving in the tunnels. But when the sound of the sea turning came to them, and the bright smell of salt on the air, Finn knew they were nearly out. And when the exit came, the stars above greeted them like old friends.


Finn glanced around at the bustling train station in Helford, taking in the sights and sounds of people coming and going. Amelia walked beside him, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail, looking composed despite their recent harrowing experiences. Beside them, Inspector Ulman walked with an air of renewed respect for the pair. His pristine clothes seemed to gleam even in the dim light of the station, and his large mustache quivered slightly as he spoke.

"Your assistance has been invaluable, Mr. Wright, Ms. Winters," he said sincerely, adjusting his hat. "I'm grateful we were able to bring down Drake Keatings and his associates together."

"Thank you, Inspector," Finn replied, a slight smile playing on his lips. “I'm glad you checked out.”

“As am I,” Ulman said. “But after securing Drake Keatings' ledger and other files from the castle, we know now all of the police officers on his books. I may be a lot of things, but one thing I am not is a criminal.”

“I'm sorry I doubted you,” Finn offered. “What about the man Bryant? Was he ex-military?”

“Yes,” Ulman answered. “He was paid a pretty fee for protecting the smuggling ring, but there was an element of loyalty to it as well.”

“Loyalty?” Amelia asked.

"Yes," Ulman continued. "Bryant's father had died when he was young, and Drake Keatings took Bryant in."

Finn shook his head. “The man was probably brought up to be an assassin.”

“Quite possibly,” Ulman agreed.

"There's still one thing I can't get off my mind,” Finn then said, tentatively. “ Mulberry's family. Will they be helped?"

Ulman nodded gravely. "We've made arrangements for his wife and children. They'll be taken care of, I assure you. As Mulberry was an exemplary constable, his wife will receive Mulberry's pension for life. Obviously no cure for the grief, but his children won't want for anything. They are very young, but me and some of my colleagues will keep an eye out for the family, make sure they know their father was a hero, when they're old enough."

"Good," Finn muttered, running a hand through his blond hair. "He didn't deserve what happened to him."

"Indeed, he didn't," Ulman agreed. "There were some... Discrepancies... Unofficially, I suspect Mulberry was blackmailed into assisting Keatings. It's a shame we might never know the full story. Though I noticed your report never made any mention of it. For that, I'm thankful."

"Whatever the reason, Mulberry had the courage to stand up to those monsters in the end," Finn insisted, clenching his fists. "That makes him a brave man in my book."

"True," Ulman conceded, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "It takes guts to defy men like Keatings. You all demonstrated that bravery as well."

"It's nice of you to escort us, Inspector Ulman," Amelia said, changing the subject.

"It's my pleasure. I just wanted to see you off."

"Or make sure we really got on the train and left," Amelia joked.

Ulman let out a hearty laugh. Finn was taken aback by it. It was the first time he had seen that side of the man.
