Page 10 of Rancher Daddies

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His own personal Dominant.

“Yes, we know. We already have you matched up with someone. So long as you agree, then you’ll go through your cycle with him. He is ready to release and needs a submissive.”

“And he… has he agreed to be with me?” Craig asks, forcing himself to watch Dr. Beck even though he wants to look away and hide. But this is important, and Craig needs as much information as possible, has to know how difficult they’re going to make this for him. He’s been promised a Dominant for a long, long time. Been denied and suppressed for just as long.

He’d be a fool to believe it’s this easy.

“Yes, he stayed by your bedside and only left because he had to finish a report. He was quite eager for you to wake up. He’s already done an external examination,” Dr. Beck answers.

Craig blushes and wishes he’d been awake for it, touches his face as if he might find some trace of the Dominant on his skin.

Was Craig pleasing? Did he make his Dominant hard? He looks down at the sheet, sees his own cock aroused, and tries to adjust his position so it isn’t as obvious. He clenches inside, wanting some trace of his Dominant’s fingers, but there’s nothing.

“I don’t feel him inside,” he says.

“Oh, no, you wouldn’t. We had to make sure you’d agree first. External and visual only.” He must see the disappointment on Craig’s face. “Internal physical examinations haven’t been allowed without consent for around twenty years now.”

“But I do agree. It should be in my file. Maybe it’s been so long that you don’t have my file?”

“Yes, we have it. All MIA submissive soldiers have records in our database still.”

“Then why wasn’t he allowed to examine me? Can I belong to him if there hasn’t been an examination?” Craig can’t keep the fear out of his voice. The desperation. He shouldn’t let them see how desperate he is.

He knows better.

“It’s not done that way now. Not anymore. That isn’t a promise that can be made. It’s illegal and infringes upon your rights to bodily autonomy and freedom to just be ‘assigned’ to a Dominant without you having a say in it.” Dr. Beck frowns at Craig. “It’s for your own protection,” he says, as if Craig is an idiot. “You might not want to be contracted to him. You might want another.”

“Hemight want another,” Craig growls, furious at the injustice of it all. He’d only ever agreed to be experimented upon because they’d promised him he’d be mated. No matter what they did to him, they’d guaranteed he wouldn’t be alone. They’d make him receptive, change him inside and out, and he’d be wanted, his defects absolved. He’d be good enough for a Dominant, wouldn’t be alone ever again, and now they’re telling him he can have a Dominant for a little while, but the man might dispose of him after?

Bullshit. It’s supposed to be permanent. He wants to argue, but maybe that’s the trap? If he argues, will they take this man away? What if this is his one chance at having a Dominant? If he objects, then they’ll tell him it was his fault because he said no, and surely that isn’t worth the risk. He’s been denied for so long that he’ll take anything at this point.

“Alright. I accept,” he says and watches Dr. Beck’s face closely. He pushes his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose and swallows hard. Is that a tell? Was he meant to object? Craig waits and watches, anger rising. It’s another lie. He’s certain of it.

“Where is he?” Craig asks.

Dr. Beck blinks.

“Is he suddenly unavailable? He was here, but I just missed him. Isn’t that what you said?” Craig asks and doesn’t try to tone down the hostility that is making his voice rough.

“He’s on his way,” the doctor says, catching the gaze of a nurse who shrugs.

“And how long will that take?” he asks and gets up. If there are guards, they’re not close enough.

“Uh, I’m not sure. Not long.”

“How do you know he wants me? What did he say? Why didn’t he check internally if he wants me? You’re lying to me!” Craig realizes he’s shouting. He knows he shouldn’t do that, but the thought is far away, and he lacks the ability to stop himself, calm down from the rage and denial that has been his constant companion for as long as he can remember, so very familiar and live, lighting him up inside. After everything he’s been through, the anger is the only thing he has left.

That’s the truth.

Dr. Beck backs up, arm thrown out to protect the nurse beside him. As if this small man could protect anyone from him. If they knew what Craig was capable of, how strong he is… no one can stop him.

Except his Dominant. That’s the one man who will always be able to make him surrender. What if that was a lie, too? Just something he was told as a way to exert control over Craig and make him controllable.

“He changed his mind, didn’t he? He’s left me!” It’s the only thing that makes sense. “It’s my fault, isn’t it? I haven’t even met him, and it’s all my fault,” he hisses.

“Stand down, soldier,” Dr. Beck says, voice weak with fear.

Craig realizes he’s growling, the sheet pooled at his feet. He’s naked. People are staring, and men have their weapons drawn. He might be a submissive, but he has to submit first. And he’s terrifyingly strong and large. He’s a weapon with no master.
