Page 14 of Rancher Daddies

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His likelihood for aggression, if he’s denied, is off the charts. It wouldn’t just be property damage and hurting himself. Dominants are designed to take and rut, engineered to hit a peak and then release and claim a submissive, subdue them utterly, and overpower them.

They’re not easy to control.

Revolts and uprisings have occurred when the military tries to deny them. If Sam is leaking and preparing him, hormonally bonding with him, then Craig is going to get to go through his cycle because Sam will make sure he keeps Craig with him. He’ll make sure Craig gets it because Craig will be attuned to him. Everyone might deny Craig’s needs, but they won’t deny his Dominant’s.

“I could… I can take you now,” Craig offers.

“I’ll decide when you’re ready, sweetheart. First matings can be difficult, do you know that?”

“I know.”

“The longer I wait, the more I build it up for you now, the happier you’ll be in a few days.”

He nods. Days. “Is that how long it will be?”

“I don’t know for sure. My cycle is usually somewhere between three and four days. Your first cycle is going to be lighter, might be over in two. But the initial release I’m giving you has all sorts of hormones designed to keep you eager and wanting for longer. A lengthy preparation now will keep you in a submissive state for longer. You’ll want that once it starts getting uncomfortable.”

“It isn’t my first cycle,” Craig says.

Sam pauses with his fingers buried in Craig’s channel. “But you haven’t been dominated?”

“No, I haven’t, but I’ve had cycles. I just… they just never let me have a Dominant for them.”

Sam sighs and presses a kiss to Craig’s skin. “Oh, sweetheart. Which is why you’re so worried you’ll be denied,” he says quietly.

Craig’s choked up with emotion and doesn’t respond.

“That’s not allowed anymore, Craig. It’s cruel to let you go through your cycle alone. I’m sorry they did that to you,” he says and twists his fingers, pressing his knuckles firmly against Craig’s ring. Because of his modifications, his prostate is so large that Craig can feel the pressure of Sam’s knuckles inside him. That’s all it takes to get a zap of pleasure from his prostate to his balls and deep inside.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” he whispers. A shiver goes through him and he spreads his legs farther apart and tries to sink down, needing more and deeper.

“Now that is a gorgeous fucking response, baby. You’re going to beg for my fingers, aren’t you? You are so swollen and heavy inside, goddamn, that’s going to feel good against my cock.”

“Yes, Daddy,” he gasps, pleased at the praise. His Daddy keeps exploring him inside, stroking over his walls and sliding over his prostate.

“You’ve got a hell of a big gland tucked here, baby. Did you mean to get it so big?” His Daddy’s fingers graze over it again and again as if he’s mapping the area, trying to determine exactly how Craig will feel on his cock.

“I… do you like it?”

“It’s going to feel incredible. I can already tell. But it’s a lot, sweetheart. Does it make it easier for you to come or more difficult?”

He can’t even answer, there’s so much sensation coursing through his body as his Daddy presses more firmly into him, fingers hooked inside. Craig can’t speak. His Dominant relaxes his touch, keeping Craig full but not giving him anything else.


“Answer my question now.”

He has to think. “Yes, I wanted it so my Dominant would knot me and get pleasure from me,” he confesses in a whisper.

“I will, good boy. I’ll get so much pleasure from you. Goddamn, that’s going to feel so good. And do you come easily, sweetheart? Do you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s big, honey. But you’ll be bred a lot. It’s going to get rubbed over, and you’ll get pretty swollen as the days go on. When that happens, you might not be able to come as easily, especially when you add in a knot. Maybe you’re too inexperienced to know. Maybe you’ll figure that out with Daddy, huh?”

“I don’t care.”

His Daddy huffs in amusement. “We’ll see about that.”

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