Page 23 of Rancher Daddies

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“You got what you needed. Your little hole wants more, wants Daddy’s knot, but you’ll get it some other time, baby. Just rest now. You were so good, Craig.”

“Are you going to keep me?”

“Yeah, baby. I’ll keep you for as long as you want.”

Craig can’t respond. He drifts away, safe in the knowledge that his Dominant will protect him. The last coherent thought he has is, what if he wants to be kept forever?


Sam watches sleep claim his submissive. His head is turned to the side, his bottom lip swollen and dark red in the place where Sam bit him. It’s healing already. Considering how tight his hole is, that healing factor will serve him well, Sam thinks, and his breath catches when Craig’s features abruptly smooth out in slumber.

The difference is remarkable. His submissive is under so much strain, so much tension and fear. Craig’s almost panicked with how much he needs to be claimed. Now that he’s resting, genuinely relaxed, the difference is stark. And he’s even more compelling. His scent mellows, not as bitter as it was, and his body is softer and more welcoming. Even the grip his channel has on Sam’s cock is different. He could pump in and out of him easily now, without the strange clench, as if Craig’s body was trying to tie them together and swallow Sam’s cock by force.

It was an odd sensation.

A little too intense. This is better. How does he get Craig to be this calm all the time? Because it should be possible. So long as he’s content and trusting, then his body will be too.

They’ll work on it.

Poor boy.

Which is a term Sam is going to have to keep at the ready and use freely. And isn’t that a treat? Most submissives have a complicated relationship with a daddy/boy dynamic. It makes them feel too vulnerable and can make it difficult for a submissive to go back to being independent when their cycle is over.

Sam privately thinks it’s too appealing for most submissives, plus there are so many terrible Dominants that it isn’t worth the risk to their mental health to put faith in a bad Dominant by calling him Daddy, allowing him the control and vulnerability such a thing requires, only to be ignored and dismissed when the submissive’s next cycle comes around.

But Craig wants it desperately. All he has to do is follow the boy’s lead, and they’ll be fine. Give him more and more until Craig gives some indication that the dominance is more than he wants.

Sam is curious to see where the line is for Craig.

“Poor boy,” he murmurs, and Craig’s lower lip trembles as if he’s thinking about crying even in his sleep.

What a glorious treat the man is.

The weight and struggle of being deeply submissive in this new time and place, surrounded by strangers, must be unbearable. And he wasn’t treated well. Whatever program he signed up for, there weren’t the protections there are now.

The things they did to keep the submissive malleable and dedicated to his military service seem more like cruel and unusual punishment. No wonder he’s so up and down, wanting desperately to give and then trying to get away. Did they let him trust his instincts at all?

Has anyone ever told him that he has his own intuition and he should follow it?

What a horrible existence to need so much and to have been denied until now. He needs to read Craig’s file as soon as possible. He kisses Craig’s cheek, and his submissive presses into it, needing touch and affirmation after what they just did.

Even in his sleep.

He should pull out now. Let the boy drip all that hormone-compelling come out of his hole. He’s definitely going to be synced up to Sam for the duration of his release cycle. He’ll be right there with Sam, desperate for anything Sam needs to give, wanting every load and knot no matter how exhausted and sore he is.

Sam has been through enough cycles to know he spent so long painting Craig’s hole with pre-release come, designed to bond them together for the duration of his cycle, that Craig will ache to be filled, will be driven mad with the itch and the burn of craving Sam’s cock until he’s given what he needs.

In fact, he went too far with it. This is Craig’s first cycle with a Dominant, the first time his body will go through the mating and all that entails, and instead of making it easier on Craig, he’s amped him up.

Yes, Craig wanted it, but that didn’t mean Sam needed to do it. Just because Craig wanted to be a boy, wanted to be taken care of and treated sweetly, and used so roughly that he gets to cry and be cuddled by his Daddy, doesn’t mean Sam needed to act on it.

But the moment Craig said the word Daddy, Sam was in. It felt right. Unless he called him a boy first? Did he call Craig a boy first? He’s almost positive they were both wanting the same thing, that it was mutual.

“Almost positive” isn’t a standard he finds acceptable. He doesn’t push boundaries, doesn’t assume things about his partner, or make decisions for them. But that’s exactly what he’s done with Craig.

He’s put his own needs first. He made Craig wait and pushed his own urges aside in order to make Craig even more submissive when it’s clear the man is plenty submissive. He is already docile and mentally conditioned to want to submit. He was already in a place of acceptance and need. Sam didn’t need to heighten Craig’s desire.

He’s still doing it. He should pull out.
