Page 4 of Rancher Daddies

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Five and a half hours later, he’s on his way to medical, yet another cup of coffee in hand. This one is decaf because he’s hoping he gets to sleep soon, and maybe this will trick him into staying awake but not actually keep him from falling asleep. He can’t imagine any amount of caffeine will keep him up, but one never knows. The candidate he’s there to see might wake up in the next few hours or a few days.

The doctor is waiting for him, a nurse by his side. They take Sam’s temperature, do a cheek swab, and then a finger-prick blood test as soon as he walks in. The nurse hurries away with his samples.

“Sam, thank you for coming down, we appreciate it,” the doctor says—Dr. Beck, according to his nametag.

Which makes it sound like Sam has a choice. Maybe he does. They don’t demand he spend his cycle with the subjects, but they’d like it if he did. He’s never tried saying no outright, though. Although there isn’t any reason to, as he wants to find a good match.

“Of course,” he says, smiling, and takes another sip of coffee.

Dr. Beck taps his screen and reviews Sam’s results. “You’re definitely getting close to your cycle. We’ll put you down as needing leave imminently. Do you… if you match with the current candidate, would you be willing to accept them for your release cycle?”

He’d normally say yes instantly, but there’s something about the way the doctor is asking that has him hesitating. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t?” he asks instead.

“Well, no, of course not. He’s a very good match.”

Sam tugs at his pant leg as his cock starts to get hard, just at the thought of meeting a good match.

Dr. Beck either ignores his gesture or takes no notice. He is undoubtedly used to Dominants and their sexual needs being annoyingly obvious.

“The candidate we’d like you to meet is rather unusual. Extraordinary, really. He volunteered at the age of fourteen when his parents passed away and underwent extensive biological modification that resulted in an additional foot of height and eighty pounds of bone and muscle. He has an eidetic memory—which is more common—but he was also part of a pilot program that only lasted two years and which attempted to emphasize heroic traits and eliminate undesirable ones. It was… primitive. Mostly brainwashing and exposure as well as aversion therapy, experience conditioning, and dream manipulation.”

“So, before the Genetic Rights Coda became law.” Sam rubs his hand across his prickly jaw, the scratch of it annoying. “How many were in his class?”

“Uh, five,” Dr. Beck says, checking his notes.

“Five? That’s nothing.” Talk about a red flag. “Did they expect them all to be put down?”

“No, actually. It was difficult to find good enough men to qualify for the program. They interviewed five thousand and would have accepted as many as they could get a hold of, but only five met the criteria of willing sacrifice, i.e., willingness to die to further a cause, which is different from saving lives. A lot of people will risk their lives or die if it means saving a lot of people, but he was willing to die for the concept of goodness. That’s rare. And sexual deprivation and denial was a criterion as well, which honestly is also very rare, particularly for males.”

Sam mulls that over. “How did they test for deprivation and denial?” he asks, certain he won’t much like the answer.

“Oh, well,” Dr. Beck mumbles, wincing as he reads the notes, as if he feels personally responsible for what these past doctors have done. “He was injected with compounds designed to enhance arousal and then was given the choice of temporary chemical castration or caging. You know that’s a violation of human rights now.”

“You don’t say,” Sam replies sarcastically. “A choice?” It doesn’t sound like much of a choice.

“Yes, via injection into the scrotum, which was a fleeting pain but then made everything bearable, or a restrictive cage that was essentially a punishment for the wearer because he couldn’t help but be aroused. Very painful. The notes are harrowing. If you match with him, you’ll have clearance to more of his file, but I can’t tell you more than that yet, I’m afraid. But I’m sure there are ways those experiences will have affected him.”

“I can see why most men wouldn’t agree to that.” The very idea of it makes him churn with something like claustrophobia. Revulsion. Sam couldn’t ever be contained like that, not willingly. And dying for a cause is just dumb. He’s familiar enough with governments to be skeptical. Who would be so trusting and willing to allow their body to be tampered with both biologically and sexually? However, the doctor did say the man had been a young teenager when he enlisted.

The age of military enrollment was lowered because genetic manipulation works best if the subject is not fully developed. If they can start altering a soldier before puberty is complete, the changes can be profound. The US held out against such barbaric practices for as long as it could, but other countries in the world didn’t have qualms about altering their citizens, and eventually, the US joined in.

“So, the poor bastard didn’t know which way was up or down but could still salute the flag, is that it?”

“Yes, I suppose so,” Dr. Beck says, not particularly amused by Sam’s joke. “He was very enhanced for his time. He’s been in a medically induced coma for the last three days but should wake up soon.”

“Why has he needed to be in a coma?” Sam asks.

“He had a gut injury when we found him. Bullet wounds. Multiple. Can you imagine? They just put him back into stasis and figured either he’d survive or not. Apparently, there was dried blood all around his tube. They must have put him away and shut down the base immediately after. If there hadn’t been a backup generator, he’d be long dead.”

“That’s really fucking awful,” Sam says, so horrified he doesn’t keep the words back.

“Whatever drugs he was on before have cleared his system, and there are signs that he’s going straight into his cycle, though we’re not quite sure what that will mean for him. From what we can tell, he’s never been allowed a partnered cycle before.”

“Why do you say that?”

“His file is heavily redacted, so I don’t know for sure, but denial was so integral to controlling him that giving him a Dominant likely would have had consequences that they didn’t want to deal with.”

“Consequences?” The doctor seems happy to give information, so Sam is going to ask.

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