Page 41 of Rancher Daddies

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“Yes, Daddy.”

“What does it feel like?”

“I—heavy? Like your knot is in me.”

“I know it’s not what you really need, it’s not Daddy’s come. But does that help at all?”

Craig’s eyes close, and then he forces them open again. “What? It’s hard to concentrate,” he says, brow furrowing.

“I think we’ll try a plug on you. Something with a little weight that can keep a steady pressure on your prostate.”

Craig’s head is heavy in his hand, and it must be pulling hard on his scalp, so he lowers Craig’s head to his chest, his submissive utterly boneless on top of him as he keeps up a steady pressure on his gland. It’s a hard position to hold, and when his wrist is too tired, he stops.

Craig nuzzles into Sam’s chest, and Sam hopes he gets to keep him.


Craig isn’t as clingy as he has been over the last forty-eight hours. Instead of curling toward Sam, he starts to curl in on himself, and it’s just another sign that his cycle is coming to an end.

A sharp stab of emotion goes through Sam and stays, making him gasp, and Craig turns to look at him curiously, likely wondering if he’s okay.

He kisses Craig and holds him close.

Sam might not be okay.

He’s enjoyed this release cycle with Craig more than any he’s ever had before. Not just because their needs align so well but because Craig is interesting and fun to talk to. They get along well and are comfortable with each other. He’s nice to have in Sam’s space. Sam feels better with Craig beside him.

Craig helps Sam do the cooking and the dishes, and they watch TV and have conversations about some of the books on Sam’s bookcase that they’ve both read. There’s always something to talk about. Sam is going to miss him as a lover and as a friend.

This part of the cycle is always a little bittersweet. But he’s never felt pain, neither emotional nor physical, at the prospect of his cycle coming to an end.

It’s always interesting to see the personality change of a submissive when they’re in cycle versus out of cycle. And there’s no guarantee that Craig is going to look back on their time together with the same uncomplicated fondness Sam will.

So many submissives are deeply ashamed of how they behave during their cycle. It isn’t uncommon for a submissive to be cool and distant afterward, pretending as if nothing happened between them, with the desire to save face and be seen as equal to a Dominant. The last thing they want is to be reminded that they bent over and begged endlessly for cock.

Then they’re sweet and needy again the moment their cycle comes back around. It’s just how it is, and Sam is used to it. But he’s pretty sure it’s going to be hard this time. He’s going to mourn the loss of his connection with Craig when the submissive part of Craig’s personality isn’t shoved to the fore.

He’s at the point now of needing to set Craig up for what will happen next, reassuring him that it’s perfectly understandable and normal for him to feel conflicted about what they did. He’s dreading it.

They’re eating pizza, and Sam’s pretty sure it’s the last meal they’re going to have together.

They might get coffee or breakfast, but Sam isn’t counting on it. He’s had more than one submissive bolt in the middle of the night.

The case could be made that Craig is already over his cycle and that he could go back to his own place for the night, but of course, he doesn’t have one yet since he woke straight up and went into his cycle. And Sam isn’t pushing it because he wants Craig to stay with him for as long as possible, even if they’re not going to have sex again.

He hopes it isn’t too selfish. Maybe he should show Craig the apartment he’s been assigned before they go to bed, just in case? All the information came through yesterday, including the entry code.

It’s just so nice sleeping next to Craig and waking up with him, and if he can get away with one more night of that, then he wants to take it.

All of these thoughts are rattling around in Sam’s brain as they put the plates into the dishwasher.

Craig is bending over to put the soap in the dispenser, and Sam can’t help but stare at his ass in his loose-fitting gray sweats, his own dick twitching at the damp patch visible between his cheeks. That’s where his boy is leaking his come.

Maybe Craig knows he’s being watched. He turns and looks at Sam, a slow smile spreading over his face. His cheeks go pink, but he’s not ashamed, just embarrassed.

“You must be sick of me staring,” Sam says and shrugs. “You’re gorgeous, and I can’t help it.”

“No, I’m not sick of it. I don’t see how I could be. I’m not sure I see the appeal of wet pants, but….” Craig turns back to the dishes.
