Page 64 of Rancher Daddies

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He holds Craig tightly, unsure what the problem is and how long he should let Craig cry. Should he fix this? What is there to fix? Where does he start?

Craig shakes against him, sobbing quietly and gasping hotly into Sam’s neck. He mumbles something.

“What?” Sam asks, voice rough, afraid that Craig is about to tell him how awful it was. That the barbing was traumatic and cruel. Maybe even that the whole thing was a mistake, and he doesn’t ever want to see Sam again. He clutches Craig closer, terrified at the thought. How would he let Craig go?

“Fingers? Daddy, please?” Craig mumbles and sobs loudly, unable to hold back the emotion.

Sam slides his hand down, squeezes Craig’s ass, and dips his fingers into Craig’s hole. Two fingers sink in, and Craig clenches weakly around him. Craig is hot and sticky and swollen, must be so sore inside after what they got up to, but one wouldn’t know it because he sighs in relief.

He waits until Craig calms down and is breathing evenly before he asks.

“What did you think of the barbs?”

Craig’s cock twitches against Sam’s stomach, and there’s a hard squeeze on his buried fingers. “You should have that,” he says. “Whenever you need it.”


“You think I need that?”

“Don’t you?”

“I don’t know. It makes it hard to take care of you. And I don’t like that. You’re special, Craig. You deserve better than that. I don’t think we should classify it as something I need, especially when it’s so very one-sided. Being inside you, knotting you, that’s plenty. The best thing might be to sheathe against them in the future.”

“That would hurt you.”

“I don’t care. And it’s not nearly as much hurt for me to deny myself as it for you to experience it.”

Craig is silent for long moments. “I was taken care of,” he finally says. “When you pulled out, that was when I felt unloved. Cared for, I mean.”

“Is it not love, sweetheart? We’re bonded now. And I’m glad because I do love you, and I will love you more as time goes on, and I can’t wait for that. I’ve been waiting for you all my life, Craig. That’s how it feels for me.”

“Me too. I love you already. I think I loved you the moment I met you.”

Sam holds Craig close, rubbing his thumb over his gland, and Craig tilts his head to give Sam better access. His boy submits so naturally and is so attentive to anything Sam might want. How did he get so lucky? He’ll have to do his best to take care of his boy and make sure he wants for nothing.

“You begged me to come, didn’t you? When I was barbing you?”

“I suppose I did,” Craig says carefully, “but you didn’t, and I guess I didn’t know how it would feel to be denied like that, and now that I do…” He shrugs. “You having all that pleasure and me having none at all, it shouldn’t have been so good, I guess. But it was. It was peaceful or something. Purposeful?”

Sam tilts Craig’s face and gazes into his eyes. They’re glassy and unfocused with the misery of denial. And he’s still at the edges of subspace.

“You loved it,” he says, shocked at the realization.

Craig smiles shyly at him.

“You’re a good boy,” he says, and Craig kisses him on the mouth and down his chest, flicking at Sam’s nipple until he rumbles in pleasure. “My good boy. Are you happy?” he asks, wanting to hear it.

“I’ve never been so happy,” Craig says, and Sam knows he means it because he feels the exact same way.


Six months later

Some things in life are impossible to prepare for. Mentally, that is. Craig and Sam are very much prepared for Craig’s caging ceremony. They rented a house overlooking the ocean that has a large dungeon and several themed playrooms that seemed perfectly suited to them and the group of friends they’ve developed over the last several months.

It turns out kink and designation go hand in hand in this new world, and maybe the biggest surprise of adapting to the new time period Craig is living in is just how kinky people are. How many fetishes they have. The willingness of other submissives and Dominants to talk about sexual things. Everything is prepared, and Craig is ready for it.

The only thing that could make the ceremony better would be Robert being with them. He’s been gone for three months, kidnapped, and although they’re not giving up hope, Craig can’t help but wonder if their getting together would have gone as smoothly if Robert hadn’t been there to help.

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