Page 18 of Fire Daddies

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The sound of thuds and crashing glass echoes through the house, making my heart pound in my chest. I glance at my children, their wide eyes searching mine for reassurance as they cower in the small cupboard under the stairs.

“Stay quiet,” I whisper, forcing a smile to hide my fear. “I’ll be right back.”

“Mommy, why is Daddy so mad?” Olivia asks, her voice trembling as she wraps her arms around her little brother Peter.

“Shh, don’t worry about it, sweetie,” I say, stroking her hair gently. “Everything will be okay.”

Olivia nods hesitantly, clinging to my words like a lifeline. I can feel her fear, but I can’t let it affect me. Not now. They need me to be strong. I steel myself for what’s to come.

My fingers tremble as I close the cupboard door gently, my breaths quick and shallow. The distant slam of a door reverberates through the house, sending a shudder down my spine. My heart races in sync with each pulse of adrenaline surging through my veins.

“Harper!” Ian’s voice booms from down the hall, his tone laced with rage and impatience. “Where the hell are you?”

I swallow hard, bracing myself for his arrival. I need to stay calm—for Olivia and Peter. The floorboards creak under Ian’s heavy footsteps, growing louder, closer. It’s almost deafening.

“Here,” I call out softly, attempting to keep my voice steady.

Ian storms into the kitchen, his face flushed red and eyes seething with fury. He slams his empty beer bottle onto the table, leaning over me with an intimidating glare. “Why isn’t dinner on the table?” he demands, his words hot with anger.

“Actually, I did make dinner,” I say, the words catching in my throat as I try to sound confident. “It’s in the kitchen.”

“Are you trying to backtalk me?” he growls. Ian’s eyes narrow, and he glares at me, suspicious and untrusting. I do my best not to flinch under his scrutiny, knowing that any sign of weakness will only provoke him further.

Stay obedient.“No, I?—”

“Show me,” he orders, stepping aside.

I nod and lead him into the kitchen, my heart pounding against my ribcage like a caged bird desperate for freedom. The air between us is thick with tension, and each footstep echoes ominously on the linoleum floor.

I open the microwave, hoping he’ll be satisfied, considering the steak and veggies is one of his favorites. “Here you go.”

Ian crosses the kitchen in three long strides, wrenching the microwave door open with a forceful tug. He takes out the plate and stares down at the food, assessing it with a critical eye. The silence stretches on, each second feeling like an eternity as I wait for his reaction. Will he accept it, or will his anger flare again?

I watch the cold condensation drip down the beer bottle. I wonder how many he’s had tonight. Three? Five? Neither of those numbers would even be near his record.

Ian takes a long swig, draining its contents in one go. His eyes never leave mine, his anger burning with an unsettling intensity. With a violent motion, he hurls the empty bottle to the ground, glass shattering and spraying across the floor like deadly confetti. My heart jumps, and I look at him with wide, confused eyes.

“Food’s cold, Harper!” he roars, his voice thunderous in the small space. “You’re so goddamn useless!”

My heart quivers in my chest, fear sinking its claws into me, but I refuse to let it show on my face. “I can heat it up again,” I offer quickly, hoping to appease him and diffuse the situation. My thoughts race, a desperate scramble for safety, both for myself and my children.

“Shut up!” he snaps, closing the distance between us in a single stride. Before I have a chance to react, his hand wraps around my throat, squeezing just tight enough to make breathing difficult.

“Look at you, so pathetic and worthless.” The venom in his words is palpable, each syllable laced with malice. “You really think you could ever survive without me? You’re nothing, Harper.”

I gasp for air, my vision beginning to blur at the edges. But instead of succumbing to the darkness encroaching upon my consciousness, I focus on the love I have for my children and the strength that comes from being their mother. This man may hold power over me now, but he won’t control me forever. And when the time comes, I’ll make sure he pays for every moment of pain he’s caused our family.

* * *

My eyes snap open,heart pounding in my chest, and I sit straight up in the bed. The room is dark and silent, the only sound the erratic rhythm of my breathing. Sweat beads along my forehead, trickling down my temples as I try to grasp the reality of my surroundings.

“Only a nightmare,” I whisper to myself, voice shaking, barely audible. The terror of Ian’s grip around my throat still lingers, but gradually I come to realize that it was all just a bad dream. A cruel reminder of the past I’ve worked so hard to escape.

“Harper, you’re safe now,” I murmur, closing my eyes and focusing on the steady rise and fall of my chest. “The kids are safe.” Even if they’re not with me.

My body feels heavy, and my mind is foggy, making it difficult for me to piece together the events of last night. I can’t help but notice the silken sheets that envelop my skin, a stark contrast to the cotton bedding I’m accustomed to.

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