Page 27 of Fire Daddies

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The silk of the emerald-green dress slides over my skin as I examine myself in the changing room mirror. It hugs my curves perfectly, accentuating my hips and waist. I feel a surge of confidence and excitement. This is the one.

A sudden knock on the stall door startles me, breaking my reverie.

“Harper, are you alright in there?” Benedict’s voice resonates through the wooden door, his concern evident.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I call out, my heart racing from the surprise of his presence. “Just trying on the last dress.”

“Alright, just wanted to check on you,” he replies, his tone warm and reassuring.

I slide the dress off, letting it pool at my feet as I stand there in my bra and panties. For a brief moment, I consider how vulnerable I am right now, only a thin barrier separating me from the man who has ignited such desire within me. I shake my head, clearing the inappropriate thoughts from my mind as I prepare to get dressed again.

“Thanks for checking on me,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Take your time,” Benedict responds, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness that sends a shiver down my spine.

“By the way,” he adds, catching my attention, “Petra picked out some underwear and bras for you, and some more casual things she thought you might like. Can I hand them over to you?”

“Sure, just give me a second,” I reply, feeling a mix of appreciation and embarrassment at the thought of Petra choosing intimate items for me. I decide to trust her judgment, knowing from all of the clothes in her shop that she has impeccable taste.

I take a deep breath and reach for the door handle, intending to crack it open just enough to receive the garments. At the exact same moment, Benedict starts to push the door open too, and we both freeze in surprise as we come face-to-face.

“Sorry!” I squeak, my cheeks flushing with heat as I realize I’m standing in front of him wearing nothing but my bra and panties, the same underwear I was wearing during the fire, although thankfully I had the chance to wash it at their apartment. The air between us seems to crackle with tension, and I notice how his eyes briefly flicker over my body before he looks back into my eyes.

“No, Harper, that’s my bad,” he stammers, holding up the lingerie and loungewear Petra selected. My heart pounds in my chest as I take the items from him, our fingers brushing against each other for a fleeting moment.

The heat of embarrassment rushes to my cheeks, but I can’t help feeling a little flattered by his reaction. His eyes sparkle with mischief as he glances back at me, and I notice again just how handsome he is. The strong line of his jaw, the way his dark hair falls effortlessly over his forehead—it’s all so irresistible.

“Um, it’s okay,” I stammer, trying to regain some semblance of composure as I clutch the clothes to my chest. “It was an accident.”

“Right, an accident,” he agrees, still grinning as he holds out the clothes Petra chose for me. I reach out to take them from him, our fingers brushing in the exchange. My heart skips a beat at the contact, and I bite my lip, hoping he doesn’t notice my reaction.

“Thanks,” I say, trying to sound casual as I glance at the delicate lace and silk lingerie in my hands. It’s beautiful, but also incredibly revealing—I can’t help but wonder what Benedict thinks as he sees me holding it.

“Of course,” he replies, finally looking away from me and giving me a chance to catch my breath. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

“I will.”

Benedict looks at me with a mixture of admiration and hunger, but he doesn’t linger on my exposed form. Instead, he takes a step back. “I should probably go,” he says, his voice strained as if he’s fighting the urge to stay. “But, I’ll be just outside the door if you need anything.”

“Alright,” I reply, trying to keep my voice steady despite the powerful emotions surging through me. A part of me wants to tell him to just kiss me already, but I hold it back.

As I close the door, I feel a twinge of disappointment mixed with relief. It’s thrilling to be so desired, but at the same time I worry about how quickly things are escalating between us. The heat of our attraction threatens to consume me, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for the intensity that comes with it.

Besides, I just saw him flirting with another girl only a few minutes ago. Well, if it was flirting.

“Hey, Benedict,” I call. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” he replies. “What’s up?”

“Earlier, when I saw you and Petra together…” I hesitate, my cheeks growing warm at the thought of what I’m about to say. “Are you two…involved?”

“Involved? With Petra?” He laughs. “No, no. You’ve got it all wrong. She’s Hudson’s sister.”

“Really?” I blurt out, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment wash over me. “I guess I just noticed you two seemed close and jumped to conclusions.”
