Page 4 of Fire Daddies

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Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door before it swings open, revealing a nurse holding a clipboard, with deer antlers on her head. The sudden interruption startles me, and I quickly wipe away any traces of tears from my cheeks.

“Miss Harper,” the nurse says brightly, her voice cutting through my turbulent thoughts. She looks like she’s in the same shape as me, meaning that she’s probably been pulling a few overnighters. “We’ve reviewed your progress, and pending a positive evaluation tomorrow, you’ll be discharged.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised by the news. Despite my internal struggles, the thought of leaving this hospital bed and returning to some semblance of normalcy is alluring, even if I’m not one-hundred-percent sure what comes next.

“I am,” she confirms with a nod. “You’ve been a trooper, healing quite nicely.”

That makes me happy. The quicker I’m back on my feet, the quicker I can figure some things out and get my kids back. “What are the ears for?” I ask, referencing the antlers.

“Oh, these?” She points at the headband, and I nod. “Since we’re getting closer to the holidays, sometimes it can help cheer up some of our patients.” She smiles. “Do you like them?”

Right. It’s December, and Christmas is just around the corner. Usually, Christmas is my favorite holiday. Right now, I’m not really in a jolly mood, although I’ll have to change that for the kids.

“Anyway, there’s someone here to see you today.”

“Who?” I inquire, curious as to who would come visit me at such an hour.

“Mr. Hudson,” she replies, stepping aside to reveal the man himself. Hudson enters the room, exuding confidence and charm as his eyes meet mine. Immediately, my pulse quickens. There’s something electric about his presence, a magnetism that draws me toward him.

“Hey, Harper,” he greets me, his voice both soothing and exciting at the same time. As much as I try to remain composed, I can’t help but feel my cheeks flush under his gaze.

“Hi, Hudson,” I say, attempting to sound casual while my heart races.I can’t believe he actually came back.

He stands beside my bed, his tall frame casting a shadow over the room. His dark hair is slightly disheveled, and his eyes hold a mischievous glint. The way he looks at me sends a thrill through my body, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

“Thanks for coming,” I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. “It’s been a little dim here.”

“Of course, I couldn’t let you spend another night in this place without some company,” Hudson says with a wink. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to see how you’re holding up.”

“Ah, so you’ve come to check on the hospital food?” I tease, unable to keep a smile from spreading across my face. “I can assure you it’s just as terrible as everyone claims.” I point to the untouched food on a table, underneath the television near the entrance. “I’m sure inmates eat better, frankly.”

“Is that so?” He chuckles, leaning against the edge of the bed. “Maybe I should smuggle in something better for you next time.”

“Please do,” I laugh, enjoying the playful banter between us. The sound of his laughter is intoxicating, and I find myself drawn into the warmth of his presence.

“I’m serious, though,” Hudson says, his tone shifting to one of genuine concern. “How are you really doing, Harper?”

“Truthfully?” I pause, considering my response. “I’m scared. Everything’s been so…overwhelming lately.” I swallow hard, wondering if I’m revealing too much. But something about Hudson makes me feel safe enough to be vulnerable.

“Hey, that’s completely understandable,” he assures me, reaching out to gently squeeze my hand. His touch sends a jolt of electricity through me, leaving my skin tingling where our fingers meet. “You’ve been through a lot, and it’s okay to feel scared. But, you’re not alone, okay?”

“Thank you, Hudson,” I whisper, my heart swelling with appreciation for his support. Our eyes lock, and a moment of intense connection passes between us—a silent understanding that we share something special.

I hesitate, biting my lip as I weigh my words carefully. “Hudson, I…I don’t know what it is you’re looking for, but I feel like I should tell you that dating is not something I can do right now…it’s just, with everything going on?—”

“Hey,” he cuts me off, his voice soft, as he catches my gaze and holds it with a warmth that makes me shiver. “I get it. Your life’s been turned upside down, and you need time to find your footing again.”

Hudson’s fingers delicately trace the knuckles of my hand, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I search for words.

“I just don’t want to complicate things more than they already are,” I finally admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “And I don’t want to drag you into my mess.”

“Harper,” Hudson begins, his voice low and measured, “let me be clear about one thing—your mess can’t be any worse than mine. Besides, I like you. You may not have noticed me in your bakery, but my eyes were always on you.”

As he speaks, his thumb runs along the back of my hand, his touch both gentle and electrifying. My heart races at the intensity of his gaze—the way his eyes seem to pierce straight through me, as if he can see all the uncertainty swirling within.

“Listen,” he continues, leaning closer so our faces are mere inches apart, “I’m willing to wait, to play the long game. I want to get to know you, Harper. The real you. The girl behind this brave façade you put up. And when you’re ready—truly ready—then we can explore a world outside of being friends.”

No man has ever talked to me like this before. Or ever made mefeellike this before.

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