Page 55 of Fire Daddies

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I hope every Christmas is like this from now on.



The door swings open and there he is—Benedict, his sculpted chest bare and his dark hair tousled. My breath catches in my throat as our eyes lock; the anticipation between us sparks like a live wire.

“Harper, what are you doing here?” His voice is a mixture of concern and surprise, his brow furrowing as he takes me in.

I watch as his Adam’s apple bobs, my eyes drifting down to his broad shoulders and the way the muscles in his arms flex as he grips the edge of the door. Every inch of him screams strength, dominance, and god, does it make my knees weak.

“Can I come in?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I bite my bottom lip nervously.

“Of course,” he murmurs, stepping aside to let me pass. As I brush past him, I can feel the heat radiating off his body, making my skin tingle with excitement. The scent of his cologne fills my nostrils, and I can’t help but inhale deeply, committing the intoxicating aroma to memory.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, closing the door behind me and guiding me further into the dimly lit room. The soft glow from the candles accentuates the sharp lines of his face, casting shadows that make him look even more mesmerizing.

“Everything is perfect, thanks to you,” I reply, the words spilling from my lips before I can stop them. I glance down at my hands, suddenly feeling self-conscious and unsure of what to say next.

“Harper…” he begins, his voice low and full of concern. “You don’t need to thank me. It was my pleasure to help.”

I lift my eyes to meet his once more, finding the courage to be bold. “But I want to,” I insist, my voice wavering slightly as I stare into the depths of his piercing gaze. “I need to show you how grateful I am for everything.”

Benedict watches me carefully, his eyes searching mine for a moment before a slow smile spreads across his face. The look in his eyes shifts, darkening with desire and hunger, and I know that he understands what I’m offering without me needing to say it out loud.

“I have to admit that I like the sound of that,” he whispers. His voice is gruff, which makes me even wetter, as he steps closer until our bodies are nearly touching. “Do you want me?”

My heart races, and I reach up to brush my fingers against the stubble on his jawline, nodding my head slowly. “Yes,” I whisper, and I watch as his gray eyes darken further with need, setting the stage for a night we’ll never forget.

Suddenly, a loud knock on the wall interrupts our intimate moment, and we both jump in surprise. Hudson appears in the doorway, a wicked grin on his face. “Hey, don’t forget about me,” he drawls, leaning against the frame with a casual air that belies the hunger in his eyes. “I put in some work today too, you know.”

Benedict chuckles, the sound deep and rich, like dark chocolate melting on my tongue. He turns to face Hudson, his arm brushing against mine as he shifts. The sensation sends shivers up my spine, making my heart race even faster. “Of course not,” he replies, his eyes flicking back to mine for a moment before he addresses Hudson again. “We wouldn’t dream of leaving you out.”

Hudson’s grin widens, and he pushes off the doorframe, stalking toward us like a predator closing in on its prey. I swallow hard, suddenly feeling like a deer caught in headlights, my pulse pounding in my ears. But at the same time, anticipation curls low in my belly, hot and insistent.

“Good,” Hudson murmurs, stopping just inches away from me, his ice-blue eyes locked onto mine. “Because I think it’s high time we all got a little…reward for our efforts, don’t you?”

His words send a thrill through me, and I bite my lip, fighting back a moan at the thought of what’s to come. The air crackles with tension, thick and heavy with unspoken desires and promises of pleasure.

“Definitely,” I manage to breathe out, my resolve crumbling under the weight of their combined gazes. I’m caught between them now, trapped in a whirlwind of lust and longing that threatens to consume me completely.

And I can’t wait for it to sweep me away.

The heat of their gazes is almost too much as I stand sandwiched between Benedict and Hudson. A shiver runs down my spine, all my senses heightened in anticipation.

“Are the kids asleep?” Benedict asks, his deep voice cutting through the heavy tension that fills the room.

I nod, swallowing hard. “Yeah, they’re all tucked in.”

“Good.” Hudson’s eyes glint dangerously, a wicked smile playing on his lips as he takes my hand and leads me toward the bathroom. “Because you might not return for the night.”

Benedict starts the shower, and I swallow, realizing where their thoughts are going.

The bathroom door clicks shut behind us, sealing me in with Hudson and Benedict. The air is heavy with steam, making it hard to breathe, as if the room itself wants to smother my inhibitions. I can’t help but shiver as Hudson’s fingers graze my collarbone, a touch so light it might have been imagined.

“Undress for us, Harper,” he urges, his voice husky and commanding.

My hands tremble as I unbutton my blouse, revealing a hint of lace beneath. The sound of my own breath fills my ears, louder than the hiss of water streaming from the showerhead. I peel the fabric off, exposing my bra-encased breasts to their hungry gazes.
