Page 77 of Fire Daddies

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“Hey, you two, school’s canceled today because of all the snow outside. What do you want to do after breakfast?”

“Can we go out and play in the snow?” Peter asks, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Olivia nods enthusiastically, her cheeks rosy from the warmth of the kitchen.

“Let’s eat first, then we can see about playing outside,” I reply, sliding plates piled high with crispy bacon and fluffy scrambled eggs onto the table. They dig in eagerly, their laughter like music to my ears. My heart swells with love for them, knowing that these simple moments are what make life worthwhile.

“Would you like some oatmeal too?” I ask, stirring the steaming pot on the stove. It’s not often we get to have a leisurely breakfast together like this, and I want to make it special.

“Sure!” Olivia chirps, her fork poised above her plate. Peter hesitates for a moment, glancing at his sister before frowning.

“Ugh, I don’t like oatmeal,” Peter complains.

“Then you don’t have to get any.” I ruffle his hair.

“More for me!” Olivia grins, bouncing in her chair. “Mom, can we make snow angels after breakfast? Please?”

“Sounds like fun,” I say, my heart swelling at the sight of their excitement. Snow days have always been magical to them, and it’s hard not to get caught up in their enthusiasm.

Just as I’m about to scoop some oatmeal into a bowl for Olivia, Hudson walks into the kitchen, ruffling his slightly damp hair with a towel. The sight of him—broad shoulders, strong arms, and a playful glint in his eyes—sends a shiver down my spine that has nothing to do with the cold outside.

“Morning, everyone,” he says, his deep voice resonating through the room. “I couldn’t help but overhear your plans. Mind if I join you in making snow angels? I can make a pretty good snowman too.”

“Really?” Olivia’s eyes light up, and she looks at me expectantly.

“Of course, you’re welcome to join us,” I tell Hudson, warmth spreading through my chest. This is a side of him I don’t get to see often, and it makes my heart race with anticipation.

“Alright, since everyone seems so excited about snow angels, how about we make it a little more interesting?” Hudson suggests, raising his eyebrows playfully. “What do you say to a snowman-building competition?”

“Really? That sounds awesome!” Olivia exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Count me in!” Peter chimes in, suddenly enthusiastic about the idea.

“Okay,” I agree. “But we have to finish our breakfast first.”

“Deal!” they both shout in unison before returning their attention to their plates.

I watch as Olivia scoops up a spoonful of oatmeal, savoring the warmth of the dish. Peter picks at his bacon and eggs, trying to hide his excitement by pretending to be disinterested in the meal. I can’t help but smile at the sight—it’s been a while since I’ve seen them this eager for something.

“Harper,” Hudson says, leaning closer to me, his voice low and sultry, “if my team wins, what do I get?”

“Your team?” I ask, caught off guard by his question and the intensity of his gaze.

“Yep. Me and the kids. We’ll work together to build the best snowman this town has ever seen.”

“Alright,” I reply, unable to resist the challenge in his eyes. “If you win, I’ll make your favorite dessert tonight. How does that sound?”

“Perfect.” He grins, taking a sip of his coffee. “You’re on.”

As Olivia and Peter take their last bites, they shoot up from their chairs like rockets.

“Can we go now?” Peter asks, barely able to contain himself.

“Sure, just make sure you bundle up,” I answer, smiling at their enthusiasm.

“Thanks, Mom!” Olivia exclaims as she dashes out of the kitchen, Peter close behind her.

I turn toward Hudson, who’s been watching the scene unfold with a fond smile. “Thank you for doing this with them,” I say, my voice filled with heartfelt gratitude. “It really means a lot.”

“Hey, it’s no problem at all,” he replies, his dark eyes meeting mine. “I love seeing them happy, and besides, I think we’re going to have just as much fun as they are.”
