Page 79 of Fire Daddies

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“Snowball fight!” I declare, my competitive spirit ignited. I bend down and scoop a handful of snow into my gloved hands, quickly forming it into a weapon of my own.

“Two can play at this game!” I laugh, launching my first snowball at Benedict. It hits him square in the chest, and his expression of surprise is priceless. My heart races with excitement, my cheeks flushing with heat against the chilly air.

“Nice shot!” Antonio cheers, tossing me another snowball to keep our ammunition stocked. The playful glint in his eyes only serves to fuel my desire to win this impromptu battle.

Even Antonio is letting loose for the day.

“Watch out, Antonio! I’m coming for you next!” Peter calls out a daring challenge that makes me even more determined.

“Bring it on, kiddo!” Antonio responds, his voice full of bravado. I watch as he ducks behind me, using my body as a shield—not that I mind being so close to him.

My thoughts whirl, a mix of adrenaline and attraction as we continue our snowy standoff. The laughter of the children fills the crisp winter air, and I revel in the happiness that surrounds us.

A snowball smashes into the tree right beside me, sending a flurry of powdery snow cascading down. I can’t help but laugh as Peter and Benedict exchange triumphant grins, their eyes alight with mischief.

“Nice try, boys!” I call out, the thrill of the game pumping through my veins. My fingers work quickly, packing together another snowball, my heart hammering in my chest. Antonio stands beside me, his own hands molding the icy ammunition. The way our bodies brush against each other sets my nerves on fire, igniting an entirely different kind of heat.

“Cover me!” I shout, darting out from behind our makeshift snow barrier. I sprint forward, the cold air biting at my cheeks as I hurl my snowball at Benedict. It connects with his shoulder, eliciting a delighted yelp and a burst of laughter from Peter.

“Gotcha!” I exclaim, ducking back behind cover just as another snowball whizzes past my face.

“Nice one, Harper!” Antonio grins, his eyes sparkling with admiration. I can’t help but get lost in those eyes for a moment, their warmth enveloping me like a cozy blanket on this chilly day.

“Alright, I’ve been hit!” Benedict clutches where the snowball hit him dramatically. “Truce, truce!”

“Just in time,” Hudson calls out. “Harper has a snowman to build.”

I roll my eyes and look at Antonio. “Want to be on the winning snowman team?”

He chuckles. “Why not?”



The scene in front of me is nothing short of cozy.

Benedict playfully taunts Peter as he slaps down an Uno card with a triumphant grin. Antonio, his brawny arms crossed over his broad chest, brows furrowed in concentration, scans through our movie collection. The cozy atmosphere wraps around me like a comforting embrace.

I suddenly feel a craving for something sweet and warm. My mind wanders to the thought of a steaming mug of hot chocolate, rich and velvety, topped with marshmallows slowly melting into creamy perfection. I lick my lips, already tasting it, and announce, “I’m gonna make some hot chocolate. Anyone want some?”

“Absolutely!” Benedict enthuses, while my kids chime in with excited agreement. Antonio merely nods, his eyes never leaving the movie selection.

“Hot chocolate it is.” With that, I turn on my heel and head to the kitchen, my thoughts consumed by decadent chocolate and the lingering heat from Antonio’s gaze.

Upon entering the kitchen, I’m greeted by the sight of Hudson standing at the stove, his muscular back facing me. He’s already got a pot of water heating up—my knight in shining armor, always one step ahead.

“Hot water for hot chocolate, huh?” I tease, resting my hands on the cool countertop. The scent of chocolate wafts through the air, making my mouth water.

“Thought it’d be faster,” he replies, glancing over his shoulder with a mischievous grin. “Problem?”

“Only that it’s a crime against hot chocolate.” I smirk, taking slow steps toward him.

“Aw, c’mon, Harper. It’s not that bad.”

“Trust me, babe, milk in hot chocolate is the only answer,” I say, reaching around him to carefully pour the steaming water down the sink. His body tenses as I press against his back, but I simply laugh and pat his chest lightly. “Now let’s do this right.”

“Alright, alright.” He raises his hands in defeat, stepping aside so I can take command of the stove. “Show me your magic, then.”
