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“Definitely. Thank you.”

There’s a hint of relief in my agent’s voice. “Thank you, Derrick-san.”

I end the call, my mind already racing with the logistics of the inspection. I will need to coordinate with the property manager, prepare my notes for the clients, and ensure that everything is in place to make their transition as smooth as possible.

As I glance out the window, I can’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment. My work allows me to connect with people from all walks of life, each with their own story, their own reasons for embarking on this journey to Japan. It’s a privilege to be part of their adventure, to ensure that their first steps into a new world are guided with care and understanding.

I make my way to my room to change into different clothes. The sun has set further. I turn on the switch on the wall by the door, shooing the subtle darkness away. I then slide into comfortable attire suitable to wear out, and I collect the documents I’ll need.

After a last-minute check, I head out of the house and toward my car. It’s a short walk, and the cool evening air is refreshing. I unlock the car and start the engine, the soft purr resonating as the vehicle comes to life.

Some Japanese folk music plays on the radio, filling the car with a sense of serenity. The melodies have a calming effect, and for a moment, I close my eyes, allowing the music to wash over me. It’s a gentle reminder of the rich culture that surrounds me, and I find comfort in these musical traditions.

As soon as the song comes to an end, I change the channel to a news channel. A female news anchor reads in rapid Japanese, her voice projecting urgency. The news being told is of children in schools, being verbally painted in some seemingly sobering sight. I frown, recognizing the seriousness in her expressions. My Japanese isn’t fluent, but I understand enough to know that they’re discussing a concerning topic.

My attention shifts to the translator who speaks in English. The message is clear—there is a flu outbreak among Japanese school children in the eastern region. It’s a disturbing development, one that’s bound to affect the families and schools.

The news caster continues, mentioning the efforts to contain the outbreak, the measures schools are taking, and the need for parents to be vigilant. It’s a stark reminder of the fragility of health and the importance of community in a foreign land.

As the news segment ends, the forecast begins. The translator relays the predictions with a reassuring tone. The seas have been experiencing a slightly higher tide lately, and the waves have been crashing with more intensity. They claim that it’s attributed to a mild sea wind, something that they expect to calm down in the next few days.

I find solace in the hope of better weather. This wasn’t going to be the first, or even the twentieth time I would be hearing something like this.

In a while, I arrive at the apartment building. It is a modest structure, nestled amid some tree blossoms. It’s a quiet part of the city, far from the noisy urban center. I make my way to the entrance and am greeted by my agent, who’s been waiting.

We head inside, and he leads me in a brief tour around the house. It’s definitely a perfect match for the descriptions I had gotten from the client. After a while, I go over the details, and I make notes for the clients, ensuring that they have all the information they need. My agent offers to handle the paperwork and logistics, which I appreciate.

Over the next few days, I’m occupied with putting things together for two families that are moving down to Japan. One is a newlywed couple, and the other is a family of four. A few times, Amber had stopped by to seek aid on some areas she was confused about. And, to the best of my knowledge, I helped her or referred her to a better source.

Chapter Thirteen


Iclosethedoorbehind me as I step out of Derrick’s house. It’s a dark night, and the only illumination comes from the street lamps a dim glow on the sidewalk. The sky above is studded with stars, resembling distant fireflies in the vast expanse of space.

I hold Alex’s hand as we make our way away from the porch, thoughts of the evening with Derrick lingering in my mind. As we walk home, I can’t help but wonder why a grown man like Derrick seems so numb to courtesy and emotions. His lack of involvement and the sense of detachment during our dinner leaves me less than impressed. I can’t shake the questions about his lifestyle and personality, which seem to be a reflection of his reserved and seemingly indifferent demeanor. I can’t believe he couldn’t even make an effort to see us off to the door.Please make sure to close the door well behind you,I think sarcastically, echoing his words.

Once we arrive home, I put Alex to sleep with a gentle lullaby, tucking him in and planting a soft kiss on his forehead. After ensuring he’s comfortable, I make my way to my room. I undress and take a soothing bath to unwind from the evening, slipping into comfortable nightwear afterward. I climb into my bed, deciding to scroll through some messages and updates on my phone before drifting off to sleep.

Among the messages, I notice one from my friend, Rose. It’s a simple “How are you?” and “I miss you” message. I take a moment to send her a warm reply, feeling a pang of nostalgia and missing my life back in New York, my friends, and the familiarity of my old home.

As I continue scrolling through my unread messages, one, in particular, catches my eye. It’s a voice note from my mother. I had seen it earlier but had waved it off, busy with my adjustment to life in Japan. We had spoken over the phone only once, which was just as soon as I had arrived. Curiosity gets the better of me this time, and I open the message.

The voice note commences with my mother’s familiar tone, filled with her inquiries about my well-being and comprehensive updates regarding life back in the United States. Whichever way, I’m sure that she’s just reaching out for formality’s sake. There’s no scent of care in all she says. Even if there was any, it was feigned. However, what truly captures my attention is the distinct resonance of a man’s voice in the background of the recording. It’s an unfamiliar presence, and it instantly raises a myriad of questions in my mind, causing a sense of curiosity and even a hint of concern to wash over me. The answers to these questions though, are not elusive and beyond my reach. I’ve lost every sense of puzzlement and contemplation regarding my mother’s lifestyle at this point.

Suddenly, I find my mind wandering to the thought of my father. He’s an enigma, a figure in my life whom I’ve never truly known. I can’t help but wonder what he’s like, what his voice sounds like, and whether he ever thinks about me. Whether he even knows I exist.

The mystery of his absence has always lingered, like a shadow in the corner of my mind. Yet, despite this momentary reflection, I find myself waving off these thoughts. It’s not the right time to dwell on a past I can’t change or a person who’s remained absent for all of my life.

The muffled sounds of Tokyo’s distant nightlife seeps through the windows, past the hushed embrace of the night, creating a comforting backdrop to my solitude. Not aware of when I do, I drift into the threshold of sleep.

I don’t know what time it is exactly, but a distant rumble resonates, stirring me from the verge of dreams. My drowsy mind initially interprets it as something innocuous, perhaps a stray noise from the kitchen. The idea of investigating hardly appeals to me, but the persistence of the rumble prompts me to slip out of bed.

I tread softly across the room, the polished wooden floor cool beneath my feet. The sensation provides a welcome contrast to the warmth of my covers. The dim moonlight filtering through the curtains guides me as I navigate through the corridors, creating gentle patterns of light and shadow.

Reaching the kitchen, I find it undisturbed, everything in its place. Puzzled, I consider the possibility that the sound might have been external. Tokyo can be a city of eccentric noises, and it’s not unusual to hear distant rumbles or hums, the city itself breathing and whispering in the night.

Satisfied that there’s no immediate cause for concern, I decide to return to the cocoon of my bed. Sleep calls out to me, promising a realm of dreams yet to be explored. I nestle under the covers, the previous thoughts and mysteries gradually fade away, replaced by the peaceful oblivion of slumber. The rhythms of the night, both familiar and enigmatic, lull me into the world of dreams once more.
