Page 162 of Go Find Less

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“Good.” Her phone buzzes in the pocket of her pants, and she pulls it out, inspecting the screen.


We’re getting ready to head that direction, you still good for movie night after?


Happy birthday night! Liam wants to know if you’d like anything from the U.K., his friend will provide snacks upon request when visiting this summer.

Liam’s words, not mine. I do not make promises of snacks for men I do not know.

Her chest shakes as she reads the messages, moving to reply to Carla first. “You still good for movie night?” I ask, and she nods, her fingers clicking at the screen.

“The media room isn’t packed. If it was, I’d say no.” She looks up at me, catching her lip between her teeth. “Don’t tell them I said this, but the last time we went to their place, that couch Dylan refuses to trash gave me back cramps for days.”

“I thought it was just me,” I breathe out, shaking my head. “Ok, movie night here.” She nods, sliding open Seer’s text. “Tell her I want a couple of boxes of Flakes.” Piper freezes, and then looks back at me, brows furrowed. “What? I like British stuff too. I’m cultured. I’mhip.” She snorts, typing my request with the “From Fitz” caveat at the beginning, and then following up with a request for several different candies, because when it comes to chocolate, this girl has aproblem.

She locks her phone, sliding it back in her pocket as my own phone buzzes, and I look down at the watch on my wrist. A text from Alex pops up, asking if we’re still on for lunch tomorrow afternoon. Piper stares down at it, and then back up at me. “You two planning something I should be aware of?”

“We’re colluding on your birthday present,” I answer honestly, and her eyes narrow. “Will Bex get the pair of tiny Uggs, to match yours, or will you get a new watch to replace this?” I lift her wrist, the screen on her watch nearly unreadable beneath the plastic cover, the victim of a particularly nasty fall while trying to set up her sewing station at the new house. Floor meet, Piper. Piper, meet floor.

As if in response, Bex gives a yip from her place on our bed, and then returns to the bone that Roscoe is eying.

I’m glad I have Piper held like this, looking around at the half-packed bedroom we’ve shared since basically after the reunion. Because when she’s looking away, she can’t see the way I’m totally unable to hide the smile on my face.

It’s a weird feeling, being so happy you’re not able to mask your emotions. It’s something I’ve been working through with my therapist, a pretty cool guy named Cody, who’s helping me get over some of the things I know Piper doesn’t need to take the brunt of, in the same way I know she works through her issues with Ava, her therapist.

I was being honest, and I’ll always be honest with Piper, but she doesn’t know that in addition to the watch, and the tiny Ugg boots, I’ll be stashing away a ring fit for the woman in my arms.

I’ll save it for the perfect moment - or, at least, as close as we can get it to perfect, between the move, her commission work, and the two new venues we’re launching this summer - and it all seems to hit at once, like it always does.

Piper hums against me, and I feel it in my chest, letting her sway us to the music in her head, forever at the beat of her own drum, and I can’t help but think that I wouldn’t have it any other way.
