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Kink. It was a kink thing. And she’d been wearing it on her shirt. Piper, who, at one point, wore a purity ring like a badge of honor.

“Does she have a lot of books?” Frannie asks pensively, and I nod.


“That answers that, then,” Seer says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “My guess is she enjoys a good steamy romance novel.”

“I like her already,” Frannie says, popping a grape into her mouth and nodding in approval. “I would guess not super into organized religion, either, but you never know.” She and Frannie both eye me.

“You should ask her out on an actual date.” José still looks horrified. “None of this ‘talking’ nonsense.”

“I’ve been trying to get to know her,” I defend. “This recent interaction just put a damper on those plans.”

“Get to know her in person.” His tone is firm, but I can see his eyes soften as he looks at me. “It’s one thing to type words behind a screen. It’s another to see how they react - to watch how they light up or dim based on what you say.”

“When will you see her next?” Frannie questions, and I shrug.

“We have a call about the reunion on Sunday.”

“Don’t wait that long,” Seer urges, sliding her sunglasses back on. “If she’s being cagey over text, be straight up and ask her to dinner or something. Or, better yet,” she pauses, “bring her to Menagerie.”

“Ooh, yes! If she’s as retro as you say she is, she’d probably love it.” Frannie’s excitement is almost enough to sway me. Almost.

“I don’t want to bring her where I work.”

“All the more reason,” José adds. “I’ll be there Saturday for a show, why don’t you invite her to come out for that.”

“I’ll be working too,” Seer says.

“Well clearly I need to get a job at Menagerie so I can creep.” I give Frannie a look, and she laughs.

It’s not a horrible idea - I think being around José may set me at ease, though Seer knows how to press my buttons, so I’m not sure how I feel about having her there.

“I’ll think about it,” I say finally, loading up another piece of bread and chewing on it to give myself a distraction while I ponder the idea of taking Piper out on a date.

Chapter 21


Comeon.Wherearethey? I scan the shelves in front of me, sure I’m overlooking what I came here to get.

Ah. Got ‘em. I reach my hand out toward the bottom row, when another hand nearly collides with mine. Green nails. Gold rings.

“Oh, I’m so-".

The voice stops short, and I look up at the body connected to the hand, and nearly fall backwards.

“Fitz?” Piper gapes at me, her arm still outstretched toward the container of pickles we were both reaching for.

“Uhm, hi,” I manage, crossing my arms and offering a weak smile. She’s still dressed from work, I would guess - in dark pants and a soft looking sweater with a string of pearls around her neck. She brings her hand back to the handle of the cart in front of her, which is littered with premade meals from another shelf nearby. “Grillo’s, huh?” Her eyebrows furrow, and I nod my head toward the container we were both going for.

“Oh, yeah,” she says, recognition flashing on her face. “They’re my favorite. Most of the time I eat them straight out of the container.” I do the same, though I’m not quick to offer that information like she is. Her eyebrows stay furrowed. “What are you doing here?”

“I was craving pickles,” I reply, finally picking up one of the containers and handing it to her, then getting my own. “Figured I’d walk here and come pick up a few things. I’m just down the street.”

“You weren’t kidding when you said you were close.” She appraises me, her eyebrows finally relaxing. “Look, I-"

“Listen, I-"
