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“I’m more hurt that you weren’t honest with me, C.” I look back down at their joined hands, my own coming up to rub my temples. “Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to handle the idea of the two of you together?” The look they share tells me no, they didn’t think I could. “Christ, y’all, we’re not 14. You can fu-be with whoever you want.” I catch myself, but instead of irked, they both look surprised. “Clearly, the problem was me, and not Dylan. I’m the one that lost my shit.”

“You’re not a problem,” Dylan says in a voice that makes a knot form in my throat. He looks at Carla, and it gets tighter. “I told myself we shouldn’t be together, at first because it was her first year in the program.” Carla smiles up at him, and even though she’s more casual than usual for being around someone she’s dating, she’s basically glowing. “But then we got together and I didn’t want to fuck things up with both of you in one epic move.” I snort, but he continues. “I’ve been in love with her for a while, I think.” I feel my jaw drop slightly, as he squeezes her hand, and she just gazes up at him. Clearly I’d been misreading the signs about her interest in Kyle - or maybe, the closure from realizing being with her childhood crush wasn’t going to happen pushed this into a more tangible category.

“I love you too.” And then, like they’re not sitting right in front of me, he leans down and pecks her on the lips. I make a retching noise that has Bex jumping off the couch and running back to me, and by the time Carla is laughing at my reaction, Bex is in my arms. “Fuck off. You have a hickey on your neck, by the way.” My hand flies up to my neck, the side Fitz had been mauling this morning, and narrow my eyes at her.

“So do you, bitch.”

When I sit in my bed a while later, armed with a giant water bottle to rehydrate from the night before, and a fajita bowl in hand, I’m able to sift through the messages I’d either missed or ignored this morning in an attempt to enjoy the last few hours before I needed to go home.


I’m sorry, are you wearing a UT shirt?

And then in the same thread, probably sent just a minute later.


Wait, are you and Fitz in the same room?

Ah, I was wondering if he’d noticed. Of everyone else on the call, he was the only one who knew, besides Carla, that anything had developed between Fitz and me.


Yes, we were together, yes I was wearing his shirt.

He responds immediately.



I got the details from Vic. Naughty, naughty, Delmonico!

I roll my eyes, deciding not to poke that curious bear any further and scrolling through the rest. Mom. Penny and Alex’s group chat. I texted our other chat after our reunion call and gave them a brief “We had a great time, getting ready to head home shortly.”

Only Penny responded, with a middle finger emoji.

Finally my eyes land on a text I must have missed yesterday, in the frenzy of getting ready for the date.


Hey, I went to check in on Facebook and it looks like we’re not friends anymore.

And then, when I didn’t immediately respond.


Honestly, I’m disappointed in you, Piper. I knew we’d drifted apart, but you didn’t have to cut us out of your life. Mickey wouldn’t have wanted that.

The first text made my heart jump in my throat. The second? My blood is boiling.


I don’t have social media anymore, because it was becoming too difficult to navigate with the harassment. I’m sorry to disappoint -

I stop myself. Why the fuck did I feel the need to apologize for disappointing Bethani of all people.

