Page 14 of Hidden Sins

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Neither he nor Tai reacted. Whether because she was too shocked, or too angry, Jane followed their lead, letting the man stew in his own misery.

The preacher shifted in the chair. “I was hoping Jason could have this handled soon. I can’t rely on the man’s generosity much longer, but now that Jason’s disappeared…” He offered Jane a sympathetic glance, but she looked away.

Bridger eyed his watch. “It’s getting late.”

They needed more details, but he wanted the man fresh. Eager to offer up the rest of the story. “We’ll give the pastor here a ride home,” he told Jane.

She crossed her arms. “And then you’ll come back, right? I want to hear about Jason.”

He glanced at the clock in the kitchen. “You must have an early morning. We’ll catch up with you—”

“I’d rather hear it now,” she insisted. “Tonight.”

“That’s fair.” Tai tossed him the Jeep keys. “We’ll be back in a few.”

Bridger groaned silently. He could lie on the fly, but he wanted to keep the dissembling to a minimum with Jane. He liked her. Respected her.

And, truth be told, he wanted her to like him.

Lying about her bro wasn’t going to win him any points later, when she discovered he’d bent the truth. And left things out. Important things.

But backing out now would look even more suspicious. He glared at his buddy. He owed the big man a good thumping.

Tai just grinned and shook his head. “Any time, bro. Any time.”


Havingthe house to herself again set Jane on edge. At least she had plenty to occupy her time. She dove into her chores, washing the dishes, straightening the kitchen and starting a load of laundry, moving at twice her normal pace. The house might be tidy, but her thoughts were far from calm.

It sounded like the pastor was involved with some nasty characters. Could they have Jason?

Whatever the situation, her brother was worried enough to call in serious help. Blackmail and threats might be way outside her experience, but Bridger and Tai were as tough as her brother.

Her heartbeat stuttered. Jay was just getting back on his feet. After a decade in special forces he’d arrived back in town shell-shocked and damaged. Fragile, she might even say, if she weren’t talking about a superbly-honed fighting man.

And now this.

She closed her eyes, lifting a prayer for her brave, impulsive brother. “Please, Lord, keep Jason safe.”

She needed her brother back. The town needed him. Jason was a bright spot in people’s lives. Always had been.

He deserved peace.

And she deserved answers. An engine growled outside. She tossed the dishtowel on the counter and headed for the door, intent on doing a little interrogating of her own.

The door opened before she reached it. Bridger slipped inside, her keys in hand, a dark scowl marring his handsome face. “You should keep that locked.”

She bit down on a snarky response. He was trying to help.

And he wasn’t wrong. With Jason gone and a blackmailer in town, she probably should take more care with her personal safety.

Tai strode up her front steps. “Perimeter’s secure.”

The two men filled her living room. Not an insignificant feat considering it was a two-story great room. Resolving to interrogate these two had sounded way easier when they weren’t taking up all the available oxygen.

She shoved her hands on her hips and prepared to drag some answers out of the men. “Why are you here?”

For the first time, she saw a crack in Bridger North’s armor. It was the eyes. Concern, and something worse. Sympathy.

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