Page 17 of Hidden Sins

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“She and Jay are close. Once she realizes you’re holding out on her, she’ll be on you like white on rice.”

All buck twenty of her? That made him laugh.

“I’m telling you.” Tai waggled a finger at him.

Bridger’s jaw dropped. “Did you just…?”


“Never mind.” Pointing out that Tai was acting like a little old lady would not help. Besides, his friend was right. He really didn’t have the right to keep Jason’s situation from his sister.

After all these years, secrecy was bred into him. They had no idea who they could trust. Any organization powerful enough to force a soldier as brilliant as Jason Reilly into hiding could have operatives in Redemption Creek. Recruiting a local would be all too easy.

If he came clean with Jane, she could tip their hand without even being aware of it.

So he’d continue to play the bad guy as long as necessary. Her wrath would be well worth the cost if it kept her and her brother safe.

But Tai had a point. “Let’s get this blackmail thing handled, then we can read her in on Jay’s situation.”

Bedclothes rustled. “If that’s the way you want to play it.” Disapproval laced each word.

“For now.”

“Then at least let’s secure the area.”

“Copy that.”

No harm in setting up a passive security system at the hardware store and her house. She wouldn’t even know the cameras were in place. Or the tiny drones Tai could send up straight from his phone.

“I’ll get on it at first light.” Tai sounded relieved. “We’ll read in the rest of the team, too. Right?”

“I already did.” He’d sent a copy of Jay’s email over the highly-encoded network their cyber-specialist created before the team disbanded. “Advisory info only,” he stressed. “Just letting everyone know to watch their six.”

Tai grunted. “Did everybody respond?”


“But Jay’s the only one reporting contact?”

“So far.”

Tai sighed, a sad, deep sound. “I’m hungry.”

Bridger rolled his eyes at the ceiling. “There’s a shocker.”

“That steak was mighty fine, but I shoulda ordered two.”

“Live and learn, bro.” Hard to disagree, though. His belly was a little light, too. At least the food in town lived up to Jason’s bragging. Good, honest ranch food. Beef and potatoes and…well that about covered it as far as he was concerned. A decent pizza would be nice. And a milkshake.

Jane would know if such things existed out here.

Tai’s stomach growled. “What’s your read on the pastor?”

“He’s not lying.”

“Agreed. But he’s not telling us everything.”

