Page 31 of Hidden Sins

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“He was one of the best,” Tai boasted. “I’d say the best, but I only make endorsements like that for a price. Hard cash.”

Bridger shook his head. “I wasn’t bad. Made it through flight school. Not the best in my class. Not the worst.”

Turned out he was way better at reading enemy combatants, interrogating insurgents, and setting up sophisticated undercover operations. After BUD/s, the Navy decided he’d be more valuable as a black ops agent than a second-string fighter pilot.

He studied the sunny, open smiles in the photos. Had he ever been so innocent? So full of optimism? If so, he couldn’t remember it.

Tai scraped his chair back and started clearing the table.

Bridger tore his gaze away from the photo and hurried to help, but he couldn’t outrun a pang of regret. He’d gone into the Navy determined to serve his country and build a career he could be proud of.

Not how things turned out.

He couldn’t help wondering what kind of life he would have had if he’d been a better fighter jockey.


The next morningBridger awoke muzzy-headed and grouchy. Despite Tai’s offer to take a shift, he couldn’t stop himself from checking in on Jane every hour or so throughout the night.

Unlike his ragged self, Jane looked fresh and well-rested. Her color was excellent, and she reported that her headache was gone.

None of that made the idea of leaving her at the hardware store for a few hours any easier. It wasn’t like she’d be alone. Her assistant manager, Wes, worked the day shift with her on Mondays. Still, by the time the three of them downed a quick coffee, his stomach was twisted in knots.

Watching her sleep had intensified his feelings. He’d never spent so much time around someone so innocent, so untouched by the ugly world of lies and treachery he’d inhabited for far too long.

Irrational, for sure, but he didn’t want to let her out of his sight.

Tai glanced up from loading the dishwasher. “Not to worry.”

“I’m not worried.”

Tai stared him down. “You’re losing your edge, dude. I can read you like a book.”

“Yeah, right.” He was a master at concealing his emotions. The big Hawaiian was…not.

“Suit yourself.” Tai punched the on button and headed out of the kitchen.

He would. So what it if was obvious that Jane intrigued him? It wasn’t like he’d do anything about it. One, she was Jay’s sister. A total no-fly zone. And two, she didn’t deserve him and his wagonload of baggage.

No matter how much she made his heart sing.

Jane appeared in the hallway, huge purse slung over one shoulder. “Are you okay? You look exhausted.”

“Didn’t sleep much,” he answered quickly.

She dipped her head. “Because of me.”

He wished he could erase the guilty look shadowing her pretty features. “Not necessarily. I don’t sleep.”

“At all?”

“Not well,” he clarified. “Never have.”

“That’s sad.”

“Is it?” He generally figured sleep was wasted time. Best to do as little of it as possible.

She clutched the shoulder strap of her bag. “A cozy bed on a lazy Saturday morning? You bet. I’ll be in the Jeep.”
