Page 38 of Hidden Sins

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Somehow, she’d have to figure out a way to get out in front.


Bridger didn’tlike Jane’s skeptical expression. Nothing he could do about it, though. Besides, her distrust was likely to get a whole lot worse when she found out he was keeping Jason’s situation from her.

Tai gave Bridger one of his sad-sack looks and slapped his belly. The sound echoed through the store.

Bridger sighed. “Okay. Hungry. I get it.”

He leaned an arm on the counter and studied Jane’s face. No signs of pain, but she looked a little drawn. She had to be tired, and still aching from getting thrown off her feet. “Where can we take you to lunch?”

“I can’t leave the store.”

He took his time eyeing the empty aisles. “Wes is here, right? I think he can handle the crowd.”

Anger flashed in her eyes. He kind of liked that. She didn’t simper or rush to agree with him.

“I guess,” she said, clearly reluctant.

He raised his arms, spinning slowly. “Is it the clothes? I could change.”

Tai snorted. “Yeah, he’s got another set of clothes that looks exactly like this one.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Everything you guys own is tech gear?”

Tai smoothed the front of his tight tee. “Tactical apparel. We’re stylish and ready for danger. It’s how we roll.”

That drew a laugh, and a spurt of envy from Bridger. He’d give anything to make her grin like that.

“It’s not the clothes,” she insisted, still laughing. “Okay. It is.”

Really? With her softly-worn jeans and plaid jacket, he would never have taken her for a fashion queen. Not that he was complaining. Helikeda woman who dressed for the outdoors.

She gestured at the two of them. “It’severything. You guys look like you just walked off the set of a Tom Cruise movie. Anywhere we go, you’re going to draw attention.”

“That’s the point.”

She shot him a puzzled look.

“I want this guy to know you’ve got protection.” He privately included anyone that might be responsible for Jay’s disappearance in that list.

Her jaw dropped. “You think the blackmailer’s local?”

“Not necessarily.” He patted his own stomach, ready to change the subject. “How about we make a plan of attack over burgers?”

She lifted a finger. “I’ll tell Wes we’re heading out.”

The local bar looked identical to the hang outs in most tiny towns. The decor, if you could call it that, ran to dusty deer and elk heads and faded bumper stickers with snarky sayings. And like in most small towns, the food was outstanding. Living in Redemption Creek without gaining a few pounds would be tough.

Burger devoured, he pushed away his plate.

Jane studied him from behind her soda. “So. What’s our next move?”

Move. Right. He sifted through the options he was willing to mention. She’d already shown a penchant for tearing off on her own. He didn’t plan to give her any ideas. Not any good ones, at least.

Her brows lowered. “You think a lot before you speak.”

Tai laughed and wiped a smear of ketchup off his lip. “He’s trying not to stick his foot too far down his throat is all.”
