Page 52 of Hidden Sins

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But what if it wasn’t Billy? Her wishes aside, it just didn’t feel like this was going to be resolved so easily.

Bridger shoved his hands on his hips and eyed the hangar. His gaze came to rest on Jason’s over-sized travel trailer. “We should search in there.”

Much as she wanted to find Jason, she was so tired her eyes practically crossed.

Bridger pressed his palm against his shoulder, rotating his other arm. The movement drew a soft intake of breath.

She had to stop herself from moving to him. “You’re hurt.”

He clamped his mouth shut and completed a final rotation. “Nothing recent. This shoulder’s been pinned back together one too many times. Locks up on occasion. No big deal.”

That she wasn’t buying. For a man like Bridger to show pain told her exactly how much the old injury must bother him.

She didn’t know much about espionage, but she did know her brother and that gigantic brain of his. Finding whatever clues Jay had left them would take sharp eyes.

Time to call it a night.


Bridger eyedthe clock between the two beds in Jane’s guest room. Four-forty-three. Two whole minutes since he last checked.

He groaned softly, rolled onto his back, and folded his hands across his stomach. The movement made his bad shoulder pulse again, but he was too restless to stay in one position.

Jane had tried to hide her sadness, but it was obvious Paige’s news about the Peckham guy hit her hard.

Ever since he rolled into town, all he wanted to do was lift the weight from her slender shoulders. Instead, all he’d done was heap on more trouble.

“Let’s regroup,” he had told her before they dove into a search of Jason’s giant RV. “A few hours won’t make any difference. We need the rest.”

That had made her smile. “I can see why you’re in charge.”

“Who told you that?”

“Tai. He said he couldn’t tell me much about what your team did, but he did say you’re a natural leader.”

Though the compliment had pleased him far more than he would have guessed, he passed it off. “I’ve heard differently. Straight from the man himself.”

He was called to lead, though. Even as a kid, the Lord seemed to put him in leadership positions, pressure situations where he had to act, and persuade a group to come along with him.

Right now, he wished more than anything that he could persuade one stunning brunette that he had what it took to be a partner in life.

To do that, though, the first thing he’d have to do was convince himself.

Not gonna happen any time soon.

Even if he could get over his past, he was never going to settle down. He’d seen too much. Done too much. Some of it amazingly good. Lots of it….

He ground his cheek into the pillow, as if he could turn away from the ugly memories.

Not a chance.

There were too many missions with too many dead bodies left behind. Deaths he’d believed at the time were necessary, but now, in light of the speedy way the Consortium got rid of his team, he knew to be purely conveniences.

Purely evil.

He screwed his eyes shut against the wave of self-disgust—and sorrow—for the part he played. He should never have trusted his handlers. Not when they asked him to turn his team into assassins for hire.

If he’d only known. He flipped onto his back, but the change in position did nothing to ease the flare of heat in his belly.
