Page 63 of Hidden Sins

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Magic time.


The driveback to Jane’s house from the airport had never been such fun. By the time she pulled her brother’s old work truck up to the house, her sides ached from laughing. Bridger and Tai were behind her in the Jeep, Kate Hackett and the handsome Fenn in tow. Which meant she got Paige and Mason for company.

The cyber-security woman was a hoot. Just as engaging and alive as she’d seemed over the short video conference when they met. Mason Ortiz was the surprise. With his dark eyes and that intense stare, he made Tai seem like a lightweight. But the man was funny. He had a sharp wit to go with his powers of observation.

They were full of stories about the team, particularly Jason and Bridger. She couldn’t wait to tease the two of them with her newfound intel.

As she understood it, the plan was for Fenn and Kate to head over to the Red Dog and talk up their fake assignment: flying a couple locals out of the area. Bridger and Tai figured it wouldn’t be hard for an interested party to assume they’d been hired to get her and Pastor Zack out of danger.

Especially after she told Wes she’d be gone for a week or two. Between Wes’s propensity for gossip, and the sight of four fascinating strangers at the saloon, anybody who wanted to know why the sleek business jet was parked overnight at Jason’s airfield would have their answer.

And Billy—or whoever was responsible for the blackmail and the attacks—would know his targets were fleeing.

But then what? Would Billy come after her? Or would he make an attempt on the pastor?

“Bridger’s got a solid plan,” Mason said from the back seat, as if he could read her mind. “Nothing to worry about.”

“Copy that,” Paige added. “He’s really good at strategizing. And Mason and I’ll be with you the whole time.”

“I know.” She gave the woman a grateful smile. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

Mason released his seatbelt and opened the car door. “No need to worry about the team. We’re a lot more dangerous than we look.”

Yikes. Because they looked plenty dangerous. Well everyone but Paige. And she looked smart. Brilliant, actually.

Paige rolled her eyes at Mason. “I don’t think it’s us she’s worried about. Bridger and Tai will head over to your pastor’s hideout ASAP,” she assured her. “Kate and Fenn’ll swing by after they hit the saloon. The pastor and his friend’ll be well-guarded.”

Of course, they would. Bridger would hardly set Pastor Zack up as bait and then blow the chance to catch the bad guy.

Once inside, Jane felt like she couldn’t move. Her more-than-adequate house felt like a dollhouse. Mostly, it was the sheer size of Bridger’s team. The two women were strong, but slender. The men, though, were all outsized specimens. With outsized personalities to match.

She eased her way between the bodies, heading for her kitchen. Panic hit. Did she even have enough food in the house to put together a decent snack for all these folks?

“You doing okay?” Bridger asked, nearly stopping her heart. “Sorry,” he muttered when he realized he’d startled her.

“I’m good.” She breathed deeply, trying to get her heart to migrate back to its normal position. She wasn’t good, actually. She might not be aware of the details, but she knew the noose was tightening.

Bridger intended to force their assailant into a trap. Cornered people were dangerous. She couldn’t help but worry.

So why lie about it?

She shoved a bag of tortilla chips into his hands. “That’s not true. I’m not good. I’m scared, is what I am.”

He set the bag on the counter and took her hands, wrapping his strong, warm fingers around hers. “That’s a good thing. Fear keeps you sharp. You’d be an idiot not to be frightened. And you’re far from stupid.”

She forced a laugh. “You’re just saying that.”

“Of course, I am. If Jason thought I dissed his baby sister…” He shook his head and gave her fingers a last squeeze before letting go. “Then I’d be the idiot.”

“We can’t have that.”

“Nope.” He raised his hand again, as if he were going to caress her, but he stopped.

She would have given anything to feel his touch on her cheek, but that would only lead to more silly daydreams about a future with the most unsuitable man on the planet.

A wave of laughter from the great room rolled over them. She envied their carefree ways. Her house would be silent when they left. After long hours at the hardware store, she craved quiet, but she wasn’t so sure she’d like it as well going forward.
