Page 69 of Hidden Sins

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Paige scrunched up her face. “Not necessarily. The delay between the pastor’s outgoing call and answer from the other end seemed way too long. I just ran the Myles’ credit cards. Someone purchased a burner phone over two months ago. I’m guessing it’s Vangie. She’s been routing the calls to and from her husband through it.” She shook her head. “Not bright to pay with plastic. How did I miss that?”

Mason clapped a hand on her shoulder. “You weren’t looking. Seeing what’s not there’s the hardest skill there is.”

Paige blew out a breath that ruffled her blonde bangs. “Thanks for that.”

He nodded. “Can you pinpoint her location?”

Paige was already typing “Oh no. Not good.” She scraped a hank of hair out of her eyes. “The burner phone’s at the church.”

Before Jane could digest the information, Mason activated his comlink. “Yo, guys? We think Vangie Myles is at the church. Or at least her burner phone is.” He tapped the link again. “Okay,” he said to Jane and Paige. “They’re aware. They’re still five minutes from the location.”

Paige caught Jane’s eye. “They got this. Not a problem.”

Jane nodded, trying to swallow around the sharp lump in her throat. Unless they were too late. The one possibility Paige was careful not to mention.

“I’ll have satellite imagery in less than ten minutes,” Paige said. “This area’s sparsely populated, so surveillance satellite coverage is thin, at best. We should have a live feed for fifteen or twenty minutes before the satellite passes out of range.”

Mason frowned out at the driveway. “Can you tell how long the phone’s been here?”

“Two days.” Paige didn’t even hesitate.

“Why use a burner phone?” Jane wondered out loud.

“To hide her location,” Paige responded. “Her husband probably has her on a friend finder app. Most people who share a phone account do, especially spouses.”

Mason remained motionless at the edge of the window, like a predator awaiting prey. “The more interesting question is why would she want to conceal her location from her clueless hubby?”

Jane’s head spun. So much deception. “Billy—or whoever we’re after—could have kidnapped her and brought her up here two days ago.”

Paige cocked her head, clearly considering that. “Sure. I could see that. A definite possibility.”

Mason grunted. “No use speculating until we have more hard intel. Paige, let me know when you—” He pulled back from the edge of the window, his hand going to his weapon. “Hold up. We’ve got company.” He eyed the two of them. “Get behind the counter. Now.”

Paige was out of her seat with lightning speed, grabbing Jane’s arm and pulling her down behind the breakfast bar.

“It’s Dressler,” Mason called out.

Paige touched her ear, activating her comlink. “Randall Dressler just pulled up.”

“He’s approaching the door.” Mason narrated the action as coolly as if he were watching a dog walker stroll past. “He doesn’t look armed, but I want you two to stay down. I’ve got this.”

Jane held her breath. Mason wouldn’t shoot the man, would he? Randall probably had some good reason for—

A fist pounded on the door. “Jane? It’s me. Randall. Please let me in. Hurry!”

Pistol in hand, Mason stood next to the door, one hand on the knob. “Hang tight, there, cowboy.”

Jane couldn’t hear Randall’s response, but Mason’s deep voice cut through the air. He spoke with clipped, military precision. “Hands in the air, Dressler. Back away from the door.”

His back to Jane and Paige, he spoke again. “A little help here, Paige? Jane, you stay put.”

Paige hurried to his side.

“I’m going to let him inside. As soon as I shut the door, you frisk him. Then we’ll search him for bugs.”

Paige moved in behind Mason. “Copy that.”

Jane clasped her shaking hands together and prayed. She wished she had Paige’s fortitude. The woman sounded so calm. So strong.
