Page 75 of Hidden Sins

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A terrible realization hit her, stealing the air from her lungs.

They’d been chasing the wrong person.


Mason slammed Randallagainst the wall, pinning the thinner man with a hand to the throat. “That’s Vangie Myles outside, isn’t it?”

All Randall could do was gurgle. He pulled his hands away from his face to tug on Mason’s arm, revealing a six-inch gash from the corner of his eye to his jaw.

Jane’s stomach lurched. She looked away.

Paige flew to Mason’s side yanking on his arm until he released Randall and stepped back.

Hand back to the wound, Randall sagged against the wall. “I d-don’t know.”

Mason shook off Paige’s grip and grabbed Randall by the shoulder, yanking him toward the front door. “I know a good way to find out. How about you have a look?”

“Stop!” Randall struggled against his hold. Blood poured off the edge of his jaw, soaking his shirt. “Okay. It’s her.” He pulled free, casting a terrified look at the front door. “She’s crazy. She’ll kill all of us. Just like she killed Billy.”

Jane felt the floor tilt beneath her.Randall knew all along.

Neither Mason nor Paige reacted to his revelation. Either they didn’t understand the significance, or…

Or they were professionals. She groaned silently. She was so far out of her element, she had no idea how to react. Or how to help.

Paige whipped out her own gun. Small and stylish, but every bit as deadly looking as Mason’s intimidating weapon.

Mason raised his weapon, siting on Randall. “You meant like you and Vangie killed Peckham, right? You were part of this all along. My guess is you were supposed to meet her after the bombing and ride off into the sunset together.”

“No!” Randall protested, but the word sounded forced, even to Jane’s untrained ear. “She wanted me to help her, but I wouldn’t.” He caught Jane’s eye. Blood poured between his fingers. “You know me. I’d never kill anyone. I told her she was crazy. Said I’d call the police if she went through with it. That’s why I came here. I wanted to make sure I had witnesses.”

Jane couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Are you saying Vangie Myles knocked you out?”

“I g-guess so. I never saw her face.”

Mason looked unmoved. “You are a seriously bad liar, dude. But we can discuss that later. With the sheriff.” He grabbed a dishcloth and tossed it at Randall before cocking his head toward Paige. “Watch him. I’ll take care of our other visitor.”

Gun in hand, Paige waved Randall back to his chair. “Copy that. I’ll fill in the team,” she told Mason, but he was already at the back door.

Jane protested. “Vangie’ll shoot you.”

“Doubtful.” Mason didn’t even turn around. He slipped silently out the door.

Jane turned to Paige, silently willing her to reason with her partner, but Paige shrugged. “She might have a gun, but clearly, the woman doesn’t know how to use it. Mason’s got this. Don’t worry.”

One eye on her prisoner, Paige activated her comlink. “We’ve got another situation here, kids. We’ve got Dressler neutralized, but we’ve got another visitor. If Dressler can be believed, Peckham’s dead, so we’re thinking Mrs. Pastor is paying us a visit. Armed and slightly dangerous. Dressler claims she killed Peckham. I’m assuming she took the vic’s car. Mason’s outside hunting her down. Interior is secure. You might want to get your rear ends back here ASAP.”

From the way Paige winced, Jane figured Bridger was venting his frustration over the comlink.

Paige winked at her. “She’s fine. A few scratches, but she’ll live.”

Jane couldn’t take her eyes off Randall Dressler. Now that she knew what he’d done, she could see the evil in him. The anger and fear and desperation. What if he lunged at them? He was more like a cornered animal now than a man.

“We should tie him up,” she suggested, once Paige finished her conversation. “I’ve got rope in the garage.”

Paige shook her head. “Not a great plan.”

Jane did a mental face palm. Leaving the security of the house was a stupid idea.
