Page 79 of Hidden Sins

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Bridger refrained from rolling his eyes.

Hands on his hips, the sheriff stared him down. “Good work today. I don’t much like your methods, but your results speak for themselves. The Creek could use a few more folks like you six in town.”

“Thank you, sir.” The unexpected praise stopped Bridger short. And here he figured the sheriff would have nothing but disdain for the way they worked. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, but this was a one-off. A favor to Jason Reilly.”

The sheriff nodded his understanding and headed out. When Bridger turned back around, Jane was watching him, her expression unreadable.

Jeep keys in hand, Tai headed past him. “Serious tactical error there,” he whispered.

Bridger glanced at Jane out of the corner of his eye. Tai had it all wrong. The tactical error would be pursuing a woman who was far too good for him. And far too out of reach.


Pizza with Bridger’screw was every bit the raucous experience Jane expected. Between rounds of bubbling pies, there was trash talking and tall tales.

“You should have seen this guy.” Fenn pointed across the table at Bridger. “He was out on assignment when the sandstorm of the century blew up. He went radio silent for three days. We were just about to call in air support to help locate him when he walks out of the middle of the sandstorm, grinning like a fool.”

Laughing hard, Tai slammed his empty glass on the table. “No shirt. No shoes. No pants. Just undies and half a canteen of water. Like Lawrence of Arabia in skivvies.”

Bridger squirmed next to her. “I had on pants,” he protested. “And a field hat.”

“Don’t wreck the story,” Tai ordered, planting his thick forearms on the wood. “He lost it all in a poker game with a chieftain’s brother-in-law.”

Jane looked to Bridger for confirmation.

He nodded sheepishly. “That part’s true. One of the few times I underestimated an opponent. Turns out the guy went to Penn State. Texas Hold ‘em was the game of choice in his fraternity.”

Jane smiled as laughter erupted around the table.

Mason gestured at her with the slice in his hand. “Once the storm quit, we headed back to their camp. Your brother persuaded the guy to play again. Won back Bridger’s dive watch and secured us enough provisions to last us two weeks, until our transportation arrived.”

She loved hearing these tales from Jason’s military life. He’d never shared much. She knew most of it was classified. Plus, he couldn’t talk about the good without remembering the bad.

So he stayed silent. And she didn’t ask.

And now she was going to lose her new friends, too. She had no doubt the Lord had brought Bridger and his team into her life to find Jason. She only wished her Savior had other plans in mind, too. Plans that involved him and his wild, adventurous, loyal team sticking around.

As Bridger said, this mission had been a one-off. Except for him and Tai, the rest of the team would head out on Kate’s rented jet. She suspected he and Tai would leave soon, too.

And—except for searching for Jason—her life would go back to normal. She spun the half-eaten slice on her plate from side to side. The spicy, cheesy aroma no longer appealed. When Bridger and Tai got into town, she resented the intrusion. Now, she didn’t want to face life without them and their lively team.

Mostly, she didn’t want to face life without Bridger North.

She’d probably hear from him as he pursued leads on her brother, but the contact would be occasional. And brief.

From the way he fidgeted next to her, it was obvious the man couldn’t wait to get out of Redemption Creek.

As if reading her mind, Kate rose. “We need to get that plane back.”

While Bridger headed to the cash register to settle the bill, the team gathered their things and headed out to the parking lot. She soaked in the hearty farewells—and the many hugs and promises to find Jason.

It didn’t take long to fill up the back of her truck with supplies from the store. It took even less time for Bridger and Tai to help secure the broken windows.

And just like that, they were done.

Bridger stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking around her house as if he’d never seen it before, looking everywhere but at her. “So, it’s been…interesting, huh?”

She didn’t mean to close down, but self-protection won out. Arms wrapped around her waist, she nodded faintly. “That’s one way to put it.”
