Page 81 of Hidden Sins

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Paige and Kate and Fenn murmured in agreement.

“We’ve been talking,” Mason said, his tone uncharacteristically tentative.

“We want to get the band back together.” Kate rushed through the words.

Bridger’s mouth dropped open. To use a Tai-ism, you could have knocked him over with a feather. “You all made it clear this was a one-and—”

Fenn held up a hand like a stop sign. “We thought so, too, but we’ve got Jay-man to find.”

Normal scowl in place, Mason made eye contact with each one of his teammates before settling his gaze on Bridger. “I like working with these guys. Most of the time.”

“If we’re going to find Jason, we should do it together,” Paige insisted. “I mean, literally, together.”

“Should we tell him the rest?” Kate asked the group.

There were nods all around.

“We figure we’ll have some downtime while we chase clues,” Kate pointed out. “If we find other folks who could use some assistance, we’d be up for that, too.”

Tai grunted. “You mean like Jason was doing?”

Fenn cocked a finger at him. “Exactly. We could put the word out. Shouldn’t take long for the right people to get the news.”

The thought of doing good in the world lifted Bridger’s heart. “After what we did for the Consortium, we could use some redemption. A lot of redemption,” he corrected himself.

“You know it, brother.” Tai jumped in. “And this time, we choose the clients. Only the deserving. No fees required.”

“Not like we need the money,” Kate pointed out.

Bridger had no words. Their sincerity made him weak in the knees. After what they’d endured. After the atrocities they committed—they thought, for their country—he’d never blamed them all for scattering. Easier to keep the memories at bay that way.

But to see them rise up like this….

Kate and Paige were grinning hard. Tai, and Fenn, too. Even Mason’s lips were curled up in the hard man’s unique version of a smile.

He shoved his trembling hands into his pockets. “Copy that. I’m in.”

Tai reached for Bridger’s hand, pumping it up and down and tickling Bridger’s fingers in one of his complicated secret handshakes no one else could seem to remember. “We’ll bring Jay-man home.” He completed the maneuver, but held onto Bridger’s hand, pulling him closer. “We might even find more reasons to stay,” he murmured.

Bridger’s cheeks flushed. Jane would be a whole other issue. He’d like her to be his issue, but they had a long, long way to go. Might never get there. But this could be a start.

A new start. For all of them.

With their Savior’s guidance, they might just find their own redemption.

* * *
