Page 123 of Beautiful Trauma

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He took me by the hand. “Can we get ice cream after this?” he asked with a yawn. As soon as we get back home, this kid needs to have a regular schedule again.

“We’ll see.”

“Can we sleep on the tour bus tonight? I like it better than the hotel.”

“I’m sure someone will sleep on the bus with you.”

“Gee?” His face lit up at the idea.

“No, not Gee.” I will be sleeping alone with him tonight, thankyouverymuch. “We’ll have to see who draws the short straw,” I told him.

“What about Abuela?”

“Abuela? Gee’s mom? She’s not even here.”

“Yes, she is. She was crying and fussing over me and Gee. She said we had to wear shoes.” Wyatt held out a foot to show me his dress shoe.

“That cocky sonofabitch,” I mumbled.

“What’s a ‘cocky sonofabitch’?’”

My cheeks flushed. “Grown up words. You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

An employee at the venue motioned for Wyatt and me to make our walk down the aisle. Doors opened after we took a few steps, and I could see Sergio waiting for me. He flashed a big grin as Wyatt skipped happily beside me.

When we reached the officiant and Sergio, Wyatt tugged on my hand. “Mom, I’m gonna sit with Auntie Elle for a while, ’kay?” He held my hand out to Sergio. “Here, this is yours to deal with now.”

One time I handed him off to Mason saying that and he’s repeated it a million times since.

“Thanks, buddy. It’ll be my pleasure,” Sergio said, taking my hand. I watched Wyatt launch himself into Elle’s lap. Beside her sat my mother. I noticed the Groupies sitting in the row behind them, and the entire crew scattered around.

“You were that sure this was happening today?” I whispered.

“I wasn’t taking the chance. They were either here to celebrate our engagement or be at the wedding.”

The officiant cleared his throat and began. He was quick and to the point, opting to let us say whatever we wanted.

“I’m so excited to marry you, I don’t even know what to say. I practiced, but all the words have left my brain just seeing you look so beautiful right now. You’re amazing and I’m obsessed with you, Kate. I promise to worship you like the goddess you are forever.” He slid a platinum band onto my finger.

A happy tear slid down my cheek. “I didn’t know this was happening until a few hours ago, so I didn’t practice.” Everyone laughed. “But I know that I’m equally obsessed with you. I look forward to a lifetime of chaos and fights about proper attire.”

“My mom made me wear shoes,” he said, showing a foot the same way Wyatt had.

“You’re my best friend, Sergio. I love you.” At my words, Mish bounced up and handed me a ring to slide on his finger.

The kiss we shared bordered on indecent, causing the Groupies to let out whoops of excitement. We turned to face our friends and family and he leaned in next to my ear. “This is the best fucking day ever.”

As I looked at him, at all our loved ones around us, I couldn’t agree more. So many more beautiful moments were waiting for us.

I smiled back. “I know.”
