Page 2 of Beautiful Trauma

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“Oh. Duh.” She pulled lanyards out of the pocket of her jeans. “You’re with me tonight, and I’m with the band. Hope you don’t mind catching the show from the wings.” She tossed a lanyard to each of us. I tried to conceal an excited squeal as I tugged on the back of Mish’s jacket, but judging by the looks I was getting, I failed.

We took the lanyards, placing them around our necks, then followed Jo down the stairs to the floor. A security guard gave a cursory glance at our passes and let us head backstage.

“Did Len make it home okay last night?” Jo asked as we walked down a hallway toward the green room.

I flashed Mish a look. Who the hell is Len? Does she mean Elle?

Mish laughed a little. “Yeah. She slept it off for a few hours and is now on toddler duty. Len is Cee’s sister.”

Yup. Apparently, my big sister took on an alias last night to compliment the wig she borrowed.

“Don't tell Kyle that. He has a crush on her.” Jo waggled her eyebrows. “If he finds out she has a sister, he will want both.” She opened the door and waved us in behind her. “Oh boys, look who I found!”

“Mish!” several of the guys cheered.

I whispered into Mish’s ear, “Is this real life?”

She nodded in response, her eyes not leaving the room full of people. Connor and Sergio, the band’s drummer, made their way toward us. Sweet baby Jesus, these men are fucking hot.

“Who is this gorgeous vixen, Mish?” Sergio asked, taking my hand to kiss the top of my knuckles. I blushed. His hand felt so soft. Shouldn’t it be rough? Sergio wore in a white button-down shirt with Hawaiian-style shorts that may be a bathing suit, and he wasn’t wearing shoes. Why is that hot? He had olive skin and his muscled forearms were covered in tattoos. His dark hair was cut short, and I wanted to rub my hand along the stubble on his jaw.

“I’m yours,” I responded, looking him in the eye.

Sergio smiled and led me over to a table with a few other people. Okay then. Apparently, I was the property of the drummer tonight. No complaints there.

Connor led Mish to a more secluded area while I sat on Sergio’s lap like an ornament. It wouldn’t be long until he had to leave for the actual show, so I doubted I’d be fucking the guy, but hey, it isn’t every day you can say a famous drummer pulled you into a chair and made you sit on his lap.

Jo joined the table. “Bets on if he closes the deal?”

She was talking about Mish and Connor, and I chuckled. It was a fair bet. A bunch of money exchanged hands in practiced form. Sergio kept a hand on the table and the other on my thigh while he chatted with the people around us until it was time for Mish and me to head out front.


The whole time the band performed, I was on cloud nine, bouncing along to every song and screaming the lyrics right along with the band. I was sweaty, out of breath, and high on adrenaline by the last song.

The house lights came back on and Mish, Jo, and I made our way backstage once again to hang out while the guys met up with some of the press. Kyle handed us drinks and moved to coordinate the chaos in the room. Watching him was mesmerizing. He was quite adept at organizing the questions, pictures, and people, like a perfectly practiced symphony.

“My brother seems to have a problem keeping his eyes off you.” Jo nudged her elbow into Mish’s arm.

I moved my gaze to Connor. “More like he’s undressing her with his eyes. Damn.” I took a long pull off my drink as I watched Connor's laser focus on Mish.

What’s a girl gotta do to get a rock-star to stare at her like that? Hell, any man?

Kyle noticed Connor’s preoccupation with Mish and signaled to someone in the crew, whispered something to them, and nodded our way. The crew member walked over to Mish, Jo, and I. “Hey, ladies. Kyle has a car waiting for you outside to take you to the hotel. Follow me.”

“Busted,” Jo laughed. “Guess Kyle thinks you’re a distraction.”

The ride to the hotel was mostly occupied pestering Mish about Connor’s obsession with her. I knew she must have been stuck in her head trying to decide if she was going to actually screw Connor this time.

For me, it was an easy decision. I would’ve gone for it the first night, but Mish wasn’t as friendly as I was.

Upon entering the suite, I found drinks and handed one to Mish. “You look green, friend. Let me just remind you how pissed you were at yourself this morning for not living your best life last night. I’m not saying fuck the guy, but you will kick yourself in the ass if you don’t.” This woman had spent the entire morning regretting not doing more than kissing Connor, and obviously he was interested if he sent his sister to find us tonight. The girl needed to go for it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The band arrived about thirty minutes later. “Don’t turn around, but he’s heading straight for you,” I said in a low voice. Mish tensed up and took a deep breath.

“Oh, hey,” she casually acknowledged Connor standing behind her.

I nudged Jo to make sure she was witnessing the awkwardness unfold. Connor seemed like he was proceeding with extreme caution too.
