Page 2 of Sex Education

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But everyone around us was kissing, grinding against each other, or fucking in the middle of the club. And I couldn’t keep my damn head straight anymore. This was better than any porn I had ever watched.

“Th-the beginner course.”

He dropped his hand to my waist, his touch respectful—though I wished it were anything but.

“The what?” he hummed.

I gently placed my hand on his muscular shoulder and stood on my tiptoes to reach his ear. “The beginner course,” I said, desperately trying to control myself. But his body heat was making this room unbearable. “I’m supposed to see Michelle to sign up.”

My mouth dried. God, he was the most attractive man I had ever seen.

I looked away so I wouldn’t blush again and to push all this hotness out of my mind. He was way out of my league and looked like a regular at this club. And if he was a regular, why would he even want to be with me, Miss Clueless?

“Are you taking the class for a reason?”

“My … friend said that I should.”

“Your friend?”

“My ex-boyfriend,” I whispered, loathing the thought of how he had made me feel that last time I was with him.

Technically, we hadn’t officially broken up, but he’d completely ghosted me after pressuring me into giving him a blow job, which he called, “The worst blow of my life.”

“Ah, there it is.” He chuckled, the sound doing something to me. “Always the boyfriend.”

“No, it’s me. I’m not good at any of thi—” I started but cut myself short because why the hell was I talking about my sex life with a random stranger?! He didn’t give a shit what I was good at or not. He was just showing me to the office.

“It’s not you,” he said. “A lot of men don’t know how to treat a woman in the bedroom.”

“Or out of it,” I murmured to myself. Stupid Luke.

After a moment, he slid his hand onto my lower back and guided me through the crowd. Women threw me dirty looks, looking me up and down like I was trash. And I mean, I was definitely dressed that way. I didn’t have money like these people.

We walked to a set of stairs that led to a second floor, where it was a bit quieter and I could hear my thoughts.

“Interesting choice of clothes for a sex club,” he noted once we made it through the crowd.

“Oh,” I whispered, cheeks flushing. Apparently, they were perpetually pink now. “I just came from my classes at college. I didn’t have much time to change. I mean, I could’ve gone home to change, but I don’t like staying out too late by myself, and, um … now, I’m oversharing.”

I giggled nervously and played with the end of my sleeve.

Damn, why am I so awkward?!

We walked down another hallway filled with more of those glass rooms, but the people inside these were … doing even raunchier things with whips, weapons, masks, and more. I widened my eyes and peered up at him, catching him watching me.

“Do you like it?” he asked.


“Knife play.”

“Kn-knife play,” I repeated because I feared that I hadn’t heard him correctly. When he nodded, I swallowed hard and glanced back into the room. “I don’t know what that is. I-I barely know how to give someone a blow job.” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. I slapped a hand over my mouth and stared up in horror at the gorgeous man in front of me, feeling so embarrassed that I couldn’t even give oral correctly.

But also that I’d just admitted it out loud!

“There’s no reason to be embarrassed about that, Miss …”

“Monroe. Sierra Monroe.”

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